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Helmets and Glasses


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Need some prescription (transition lenses) glasses that easily slide into a full face helmet and don't fog up. Have identified some oakley flackjacket and half jacket frames that look OK but any other ideas or experiences would be welcome. Also where to buy in melbourne or an optical dispense chain?


Paul M

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Hi Paul,

Yep wearing glasses and a full face helmet is challenging. I am very close to southland and will check the retailers there for you over the weekend, there is quite a few there.

Let you know how I go!,



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Hi all - I use a spare of old rims with stiff arms and my current prescription. My swisho titantium specs have flexy arms that are near impossibe to fit with a helmet on ma head.

There is a routine to getting kitted up at a track session. Gloves off, harness on, glasses off, f/face helmet on and belted up, glasses fitted through the visor opening, gloves on. Racetime!



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I've found most glasses are ok for helmets, but it also depends on what sort of helmet you have as they all vary in terms of padding placement and shell profile (which dictates where the tight points are). My current titanium flexy rimless glasses do ok, but sometimes need a bit of jiggling about. I've ridden motorcycles for some 20 odd years on the road and have never had a real issue with any of my glasses, but I've tended to always use Arai helmets.

Re: transition lenses, they are useless in the car. They need direct UV light to trigger and darken which is usually obscured by your roof or glass tinting. I bought specific perscription sunnies for the purpose. You can try going the clip-on route, or alternatively get a tinted visor if you're going FF and just pull it down when necessary.

Or buy an F16 fighter pilot helmet, but that might be a bit pricey :lol:

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