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can someone post a pic of the glovebox latch and.hook.


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A bit rough on the road today and my glovebox lid just popped open. The knob still looks like it want to engage, but it has no hook to latch onto.

Either it has broken off or unscrewed due to bumps

Can someone take a pic of how the glovebox hook should look, at least then I will know what I am fixing.



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Download this PDF Genuine Parts Catalogue it is correct for the 993 1994 which is what you have in your car details, sorry if I got this wrong.


Go to section 


Main Group 8: Body


Then to section




to the page named "Illustration 809-02"


or page 345 of 488 of the whole pdf.


There you will see a drawing of your dash and #38 is the lock and I believe #47 door lock striker is the latch but don't take my word for it I am in no way any sort of parts expert..


Hope this helps, handy to have your parts catalogue on hand anyway for future use. You can download the parts catalogue for any year Porsche from THIS LINK


Edit: These are the 3 pages in jpg format








Cheers Al

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