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When is your cars birthday?


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12 months ago today I was driving back from Sydney with my new (1978) Porsche 911 SC

Originally my plan was to buy a descent car,have my fun for a year or two and then sell her. The theory (originally from a UK Classic car mag article) )was that If could buy the right car, not have any major issues with, I could have my fun for a year or two then sell her. All things being good, I sell her and cover all my costs, so I've had a Porsche and it cost me nothing or at least very little.

One year on, can't even consider ever selling the car,,,,,'

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12 months ago today I was driving back from Sydney with my new (1978) Porsche 911 SC

Originally my plan was to buy a descent car,have my fun for a year or two and then sell her. The theory (originally from a UK Classic car mag article) )was that If could buy the right car, not have any major issues with, I could have my fun for a year or two then sell her. All things being good, I sell her and cover all my costs, so I've had a Porsche and it cost me nothing or at least very little.

One year on, can't even consider ever selling the car,,,,,'


I bet there's quite a few of us that came into porsche ownership thinking this. Every once in a while I go for a wkend drive and think how on earth did they get it so right back in the 70's. The challenge of driving it well is so rewarding.

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