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Malware on android

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I started getting popups when on gumtree. The page headed google rewards, s5 owner you can win. Close the page, go back on gumtree and sometimes happens again. 

Zalinco.com is the Id on this page.

Googled it and scam.

Read some forum discussion on it. It appears I have downloaded some malware. True in your opinion? I use norton and it detects no malware.

Educate me please. ?

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Yeah , Mate happened to me as well , sneeks in under Norton, So they are dodgy , You have to go in and delete the page from your history, and keep away from that  advertiser,  took me ages to get rid of it , And I can not remember what I did, The same thing has happened on ebay a couple of times, but it has always been on pages I useually do not go to, Can not be much help and it only happens on the mobile Go figure :unsure: 

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yes it's possible to get malware on your phone. If this is happening at home it is also possible is that your router is infected.

I recommend going through the installed applications list and removing anything that you didn't deliberately put there. Also check proxy and DNS settings on your phone.

that all said the problem may not be at your end - gumtree may have some vulnerabilities.


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