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Being the retired old fart that I am, I can sometimes wander off to see a movie in the morning with all the other old fogies.:unsure:

Went to see Hell or High Water this morning.

9.5 out of 10.B)

If you are looking for an old style cowboy movie set in modern times, you'll love it.:D

Jeff Bridges as the crusty old Texas Ranger, lacking in a fair amount of political correctness.......kinda reminded me of someone.....

Had an interesting moment there.   The movie stopped and the screen said the warning alarm had been sounded  stay in your seats until you

receive direction from a Village Staff Member.    

Finally after running a few scenarios through my head (Sign of our troubled times) a staff member came in, apologised, and the movie was re started.    

ON exiting everyone got a complimentary ticket, and apparently no reason known, for what had occurred.

But it was handled reasonably well.   (except for the five minute gap wondering WTF is going on)

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