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Thanks fellas,

Good fun run, pity about the weather but I guess you can't have everything.

As Steve said "it could have been worse we might have been in Lotuses wet, cold, broken down and on the side of the road"

I should know I have one.

When Doug pulled over to go to the rear of the pack I automatically assumed that he had a problem . Silly me too long around pommy sports cars. Expect the worst especially when it is wet.

Anyway, let's do it again perhaps around the Yarra Valley in the sunny month of January.

I have attached a couple images of the day to get the ball rolling.


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Cheers for the complimentary shot of me David! :rolleyes::P

Pommy cars eh... I remember a couple of years ago when the PCV shared a track day at Sandown with the MG club. In the morning there were so many cars (mixing the breeds) out there it was quite congested. Someone commented, "Don't worry, wait till this afternoon and it'll be fine". As predicted, by the afternoon there were only about half the cars left in each group, and guess who had retired to the pits to let the others have their fun?! :D

I look forward to your posting "Local Knowledge Run of the Yarra Valley"... ;)



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Hi all,

I would really like to check out the Yarra Valley, is there life beyond the Mornington Peninsula......? If someone puts a run together I will definitely be there! Maybe even with the roof off. If it rains again like it did on Sunday we will need to change our run name to 'The drought Busters' See you then if not before.


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Looks like you all had a reasonable drive despite the weather. Wish I could've joined you, but had family commitments. Did you do Boneo Road? That's a fun little strip down to Flinders.

Might be able put my hand up to show the way around a few Yarra Valley runs. As a motor cycle rider I know quite a few decent roads where a few hours and litres of fuel can be spent.


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Cheers Rob,

I seem to remember Boneo Rd in there somewhere, but most of the time we spent staring through the rain to see if we could see the road!

The route...post-2-125904009054_thumb.jpg not necessarily in the directions noted though...

David and Steve (webrest & steve porter) have put up their hands to organise the next run up in the Yarra Valley and surrounds, with some promised local knowledge (both of which are also bikers/bikies?) as well, maybe the three of you should chat...


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