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Cummins truck trumps Tesla

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The less dirty diesels the better!



With a 100-mile range, the Cummins electric power train is being targeted at urban delivery vehicles (like a beer truck or food delivery truck) as well as for short haul trips in and around ports and other terminals. It can be recharged in about an hour at a 140 kWh charging station, and Cummins' goal is to get that down to 20 minutes by 2020

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Time is money and I don't see this succeeding at all.  4 hours recharging for 400 miles driven.  Also no mention of GVM vs diesel equivalent.

faster recharge time is a good goal but if it won't haul the goods it will get nowhere.

They should start in the small city/urban delivery market - Suzuki carry size like cities such as Hong Kong seem to have everywhere.

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Companies such as Mercedes don't truck around when it comes to engineering and viability of new technology, whether it be cars or trucks (and they have a long heritage with trucks as you know ,first diesels etc)



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Oh yeah?  When was the last time a triple rotor c111 overtook you?

One of the later ones passed me yesterday. My V8 wasn't quite as snappy as his , but I'm only driving a Porsche


I got the model C111 when it was released back when, and hoped they would produce them in numbers so one day they might become available to cashed up boomers...


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