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Hey there

My name is Hugh and I'm here to start learning more about Porsche. In particular early the earlier 911 models. I am looking at trying to purchase a late 70's/early 80's SC at some stage so I'm trying to learn up as much as I can. During my searches I have found a variety of them for sale. I am trying to learn more about what to look for in say an imported model vs an Australian delivered example. I have found that most of the imported ones generally have lower kms and are LHD.

Is there any reason to stay away from the imported LHD models? Personally it wouldn't bother me driving a LHD car. I have noted that they seem to be cheaper in general also. If there are any current owners of similar models who can pass on any information to me then that would be much appreciated :)

I currently drive an 89 Honda crx siR. The siR model for those who dont know is the top japanese spec crx that was made. From the factory it was released with the 1.6L B16A vtec motor however I have swapped in a 2.0L integra type R motor along with a few other modifications. It is a great fun little car to drive in its current state however I am hopeful to find a decent 911 at some stage in the future. The two are chalk and cheese when it comes to driving styles im assuming though I wont be getting rid of the crx rather just looking to expand a little.

Well I look forward to chatting and learning more on this forum soon so any comments or suggestions are welcomed :)


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Hi Hugh,

Welcome aboard.

It's great to see a new member from outside Vic. Hopefully over time there will be enough members from other states to organise their own events.

Local delivery Vs Import: Generally Aust climatic conditions are gentler on cars and that is why Local deliveries are more desirable and expensive. Consider harsh European / Nth East US winters with salt on roads and how this effects cars in general. Even in US a California based car can demand a premium.

RHD Vs LHD: I am not sure if LHD can be registered on the road in all states, but I stand to be corrected on this.

US: I believe that in some model years the US 911 had less powerful engines due to stricter environmental standards, but this may not effect the years you are looking at.

Good luck with the hunt.


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Hugh, there was a very clean red SC for sale($39000)at the Canberra Wheels exhibition last Sunday. Being sold by a middle aged gent with an american or canadian accent. If you email the ACT Porsche Club, they may be able to put you in contact with him. See www.porsche-club-canberra.org.au for the link. Good Luck

Paul M.

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Hey thanks for the responses guys :) I picked up the 911SC book by Adrian Streather which has a mountain of information so I am going through that to clue up a bit. I did notice the differences between the engines for the period I am looking. Between 132 and 150kw from memory depending on the engine and delivery location etc. At this stage im not to concerned about that, rather more focused on finding the best example all round. If it takes a while then so be it!

Paul can you tell me where/who the Healey Factory is and Ill look into it?



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  • 2 weeks later...

I did a bit of research on an SC for sale at the Healey Factory and am pretty sure it is an ROW delivered version which means it should have the 930/10 motor which has 150ish KW. Obviously that is preferred over the Japanese and USA delivered vehicles with 130-140. It appears to be nice and stock which I like and I also prefer a black interior. The kms are low for a car of that age however I am led to believe that Porsche in general have a great reputation for build quality so as long as proper servicing and maintenance is done then they should go for a loooooong time!

Can anyone give me some feedback on the reputation of the Healey Factory? I can't easily go and visit the car etc as I don't live in Melbourne so any info would be great!

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Hi Qstoria,

I experience with the Healy Factory is that they are a reputable business dealing with rare and classic cars, with a solid knowledge of Impact Bumper Porsches. I tried to buy an old Ferrari from them a few years ago and in the end was unable to because the owner refused to bring it up to roadworthy for the sale. It was a difficult situation for THF but they handled it well, and in the end neither of us benefited. I was able to take the car for several test drives (accompanied) and then one long drive (1.5hrs) with a mechanic (who they knew) up through the Dandenong Ranges - one of the most memorable drives of my life!

I can't remember who I dealt with there but my experience with them was good. Not so with the seller! :angry:

Hope this helps...


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Thanks Kerry, Its good to hear that the Healey Factory were upfront and willing to help with the sale as much as they could. Every bit of info helps!

I have never been driving in the Dandenong ranges but have heard from a few people on a Honda forum I am part of that there are some nice roads up there. Tasmania provided me with my most memorable hours of driving so its good to know that there are some great roads a little closer than all the way across Bass strait!

Hugh :)

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Hi Hugh,

Never driven in Tasmania however from what I have seen, possibly the some of the best roads in Aust! Only my annual trip to the homeland (NZ) shows me better roads I think!

If you end up finding a car over on the mainland here, don't let the opportunity pass without letting at least couple of us take you for a celebratory spin... ;)

All the best with the search, it is actually one of the best parts of Porsche ownership.


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