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Getting a 911 allocation

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Some of it is pertinent, some of it not. Dealers in Australia won't sell new out of state (or aren't supposed to) so depending on where you live it can be easier or harder.

I wish there were ADMs here, they're not legal here so you won't have to pay those.

The 'being involved with the dealer' thing use to work years ago but seems to have no or little bearing at least in Sydney. Dealer events have hundreds of people show up, and there might be 15 cars of a particular 911 to go around.

The only thing that seems to work is sitting on the list for years and hoping someone pulls out. I was on the list over 3 years to get my GT3 and that was before things went nuts. Then my dealer point blank told me that the future cars that I'd been sitting on the list for for years (4 years in one case) were meaningless and I likely would not get either of the cars. 992 GT3 RS, and 718 Spyder RS fyi.

So yeah. Unless you're connected as hell, or happen to live in a state with lower demand (QLD for example), all I can say is good luck.

I can tell you that they seem to favour new customers over existing ones for some reason so maybe you'll have a shot. If you're going to track the car and drive the hell out of it that also goes down well.

People in Melbourne tend to have better experiences than the average Sydney punter too.


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