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Porsche Fraternity


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I thought I would share the current story of Roger Grago to show how widespread the Porsche fraternity is. Roger is a 911S Register member, and recently underwent emergency surgery for a brain tumor. He is obviously much respected and loved by his mates. The following threads will give you the story and show how Porsche ownership brings us all together, no matter where we live.




Paul M

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Hi Paul,

Nice to hear about these things and heartwarming to see people caring about each other.

He sounds like he is well liked by everyone in the P fraternity. hope it all goes well for him and I will keep an eye on the thread.

Thanks for sharing it with us and puts some perspective on issues which we might think are important but in relation to something like dealing with a brain tumour are pretty minor.

Cheers and take care


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Thanks for sharing Paul.

It is great to see an extended community relate so supportively, and to I can only imagine, a man that some of the members may not have ever met in person.

Hope it all works out well...



PS I couldn't get the second link to work.

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It was a front page article from the Orange County Register, the local paper, on the gathering to raise money($11000) in one morning at the local Porsche garage. There has even been a benefit "dinner" as far away as Seattle. His surgeon has waived his fee,mates have printed T-shirts with his purple early 911 on the front, a local church is coordinating a trust fund. His main financial problem is that as a Porsche mechanic he had just changed jobs and his new employer funded health insurance( this seems to be the norm in the USA)had not been processed. So no health coverage and no "medicare". The amazing thing was that he calmly and quietly attended the get together 2 days after his operation. I'll follow his progress. Put the story up as it shows the cameraderie of like minded people and shows the extent of kinship Porsche clubs have around the world.

Enjoy the SMT.


Paul M

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