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SMT Rules *PLEASE READ* - Updated 17/04/2014

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As you may have noticed recently there has been some moderation on some threads within this section. In an effort to clarify the rules regarding 'Sunday Morning Targa' events organised through Porsche Forum Australia, below are some rules in addition to the SMT guidelines:

  • Porsche cars ONLY, If you want to organise a drive with other makes do so via e-mail or the 100's of other motoring forums out there.
  • Drive within your limits, and the limits of your surroundings.
  • There is to be no GoPro or other forms of video footage recorded on these events.

There are no exceptions to the above rules, so don't post in threads asking otherwise.


These rules are for everybody and are to improve the enjoyment and safety of the events and forums. Please post SMT's as much as you'd like but please keep in mind the guidelines and above rules. If you have any questions on the above points please contact me via PM.

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