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R Gruppe embryo


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Hi guys,


I read this thread because I am a member of R Gruppe in California. I have attended some of their "Treffen" held annually in So.Cal. and I can say from first hand experience that most of the members are down to earth, early 911 enthusiasts and not the wealthy folk some of the posters here seem to think they are.


I have met both Cris Heugas and Freeman Thomas - the club founders. Cris has his one car, Freeman has many classic Porsches and is a bona fide 'car guy' in the deepest sense of the word. Whilst he currently works as a designer for Ford, he started out at Porsche. His design credits during his illustrious career include the Audi TT, new VW Beetle and  Chrysler 300C - all of which have been outstanding successes for their respective manufacturers.


At a Treffen, you will meet plenty of down to earth Porsche guys, many of whom build their own cars and dont have unlimited $$$. There are plenty of 'average' early 911's that turn up. My buddy in LA drives his stock, unrestored  '67 911 and gets plenty of comments on his car. R Gruppe is not about who can spend the most dollars on their cars but its definitely about enjoying the cars for what they were designed for. The Sports Purposes aspect of R Gruppe pays homage to all the "R" type Porsche  variants such as 911R, RS, RSR, ST/R, etc.Its not a bunch of car polishers but a bunch of drivers who enjoy driving early 911's as they were designed for.


Many R Gruppe guys are also members of Early 911S registry and other Porsche groups. 


I have sat down for dinner with many of the members only to find out days later that the guy  next to me was a billionaire and had a massive car collection or another had cars scattered around the world that he drove as he went about his international business. None of these guys appeared brash or big noting themselves. It was all about the cars - specifically they old porsches.


I have been lucky enough to travel the world with business and have met so many early 911 guys whom I have met via R Gruppe or early 911S and had such a great time talking porsches. Even in japan where language was such a barrier, we were still able to talk Porsche. They even understood me when i said this in English. We all laughed.


The R Gruppe is a small club because no-one has the time to spend trying to run a very large group. Ask Chuck Miller what its like to run the early 911S registry. Chuck is also an R Gruppe guy and also  TYP901 member here in Australia.


So dont dismiss R Gruppe guys off handedly - they have the same passions you guys do. P-Cars !

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