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Anyone have 952 AFM I could borrow ?


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Well I all out of ideas as to what is wrong with my car. So far I have changed Leads, Rotor, Dist cap, TPS, DME, DME temp sensor, Speed and Ref sensor harness, and plugs. I also did a refurb on my AFM She is still running like a pig. I would love to swap out the AFM to see if that is causing it, so if anyone has one I could borrow that would be greatly appreciated



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I really wanted an M tune but just when I decided to get one Josh stopped supply and looks like it will be a while before they are available again :(


Check with Lart. He usually has one every now and then. 


Do you have a data logger? can't remember if you had bought one or not. But i do suggest you get one. Mine has helped me rule out a few problems.

I log


AFR - WBo2





If you can at least log rpm tps and your AFM. you can rule out the afm by looking at the voltage signal next to the TPS & RPM signals. 

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