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Road safety study finds the bleeding obvious


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I wonder how much the researchers scooped out of the government coffers to come up with this conclusion.   Ask anyone who is subjected to overzealous speed enforcement and they'd likely tell you the same thing.  Watching the speedo distracts from actual safe driving!

Perhaps the powers that be will take notice of the official findings rather the random bleating of disgruntled motorists.  I doubt it though, there's too much $$$ at stake.



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The Powers That Be are so addicted to extracting taxation from motorists that commonsense will never prevail

At every customs entry a sign should be erected " Welcome to the land of the Speedo Watcher"

It,s enough to make you weep...sigh:(

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The Powers That Be are so addicted to extracting taxation from motorists that commonsense will never prevail

At every customs entry a sign should be erected " Welcome to the Nanny State"

It,s enough to make you weep...sigh:(


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