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 I'd been looking forward to today for a while now, as the variety of cars on track and static display is very diverse. Everything from high end Lambo's, Mclarens, loads of Ferrari's and Porsche's,  to MG's, V8's of whatever else you like best, and the 4 or 5 F1 cars of old (the ones that don't sound like restricted hair dryers) being punted around by ex F1 drivers Stefan Johannson, Pierre Luigi Martini and..........another bloke whose name escapes me. THAT Ferrari V12 sound is unequalled!

 Spiller (Simon) was out there on track in the Porsche only feature with his Black beast that sounded fantastic, yet I reckon he thought it was a drift competition exiting the pit hairpin! Very smooth and quick driver too, so I look forward to reading his excuses about the drift antics! 

 It was great to see the older cars on track, especially one lunatic in a Datsun 1600 Turbo thing which was mentally fast and a good driver (I really must get to some classic racing next year) and to watch some Porsche cup cars fanging around, though I'd seen most of it pretty quickly, had a coupla beers then left. 

 I'd hoped to enter my car for a few laps after being there last year and getting the itch after a few years since I stopped bike racing (those that have raced anything know what I mean), yet I was/am reluctant to take the SC on a track, only to stuff it into a wall or blow it up, as I know what I'm like when I put a helmet on (win or bin), then not be able to fix it easily. After yacking with a friend in his 72 bitsa 911, he couldn't wipe the smile off his face with the amount of fun he was having as a participant in the tour stage of the Classic Adelaide Rally, so I may look at doing that next year if I can raise some sponsorship. Reckon that won't be too hard to do with some old contacts.

 I was there for a few hours, but decided to leg it before the traffic jam like last year, yet it was great to see all the cars and hear them on track, it's just a shame that track time per class is pretty limited due to the amount of cars entering the show, but as a classic car lover, I was in my element

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Good catching up with you today Lee.

All I can say is WOW what an event. I drove in it last year but having the GT3 in it this year has been an absolute blast, hands down the most satisfaction I've had in that car in my ownership. Trying to stay with 997 Cup cars and 991RS only added to the experience (and this is my excuse for turning the hairpin into a drift run :P). Can't wait for tomorrow.

As a side note, I am genuinely surprised at the lack of aircooled 911 entries this year. I think I only counted two cars. 

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  You too mate, good to seeya. Great job at the wheel too, yet the sound of your car is amazing! 

 I was disappointed at the lack of air cooled cars, and Porsche in general really, yet apart from yourself and the bloke next to you in the pits, I was happy with the cup cars. All the best for tomorrow, as after watching today, I'll be in the hills in my thing!

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  I only need to be told once mate, jeeez! 

 Is that Stan's son? Has/had a tuning shop opposite Castle Plaza

no. I think josh's dad runs Adelaide Motors BMW.  He drives in the Dunlop Series for Brad Jones Racing. Good lad. Quite a footballer.

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  • 7 months later...

 2017 has a bit of a Porsche feature with the 'Porsche through the ages' 

 Expressions of interest are being sought now for static display and on track action. I can't post a link at the moment, as my phone isn't compatible with their website for some reason. I've already contacted the organisers with a photo of my car and a description of how it will look by December, so if you're keen on going to the festival, it's advised to enter your car. It's $30 per day, which includes entry for one and parking inside the grounds where your car is safe, or contact them for the on track price. You must be inside by 8am and you're there till 5pm, so take a deck chair

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