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Building regulations 2 storey in SA

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   Has anyone on here from SA done a 2 storey development?

The house next door on 1100sqm has come up for sale, and will no doubt be sold to this Chinese developer bloke that's buying half our street (it's over my budget to have a crack at it), so I need to know the building regulations for neighbours privacy prior to any development starting. A long way off, but I like to get things in order prior to any building submissions/approvals to shove in their face.

  As far as I've read on my local council website (not the most informative!), it looks like they have to frost or obscure any windows above 1.5 metres, so as to ensure privacy for us and our neighbours

  I think in Victoria it's 1.7 metres, so you'd think something similar would be in effect here

Who should I contact, the local council or SA planning mob to get the correct answer? 


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start planting now Lee..

1100sqm is a lot of land. Planning rules change significantly depending on the location but in most of inner Sydney you could build a lot more than two floors on this size of land. Apartments could be an option and we can subdivide on most land over 500sqm. in terms of privacy there are alot of rules. Council should be able to help

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  I'd say they won't be over 2 storey, nor apartments, as I was told council don't want that sort of development in our area. Though council's being council's, all they care about is the revenue they can make from rates etc

 We're on 800sqm corner block (the one for sale is also a corner block onto a major road), and the Chinese bloke has tried to buy our place coupla times for over market value, though he'd need to cough up another $100k for us to even think about it. I did tell the old fella next door to let me know when he was going to sell, though that was well over a year or so ago, and prices have gone up a fair bit since then, so as I don't wish to over commit ourselves financially (and I don't need the headaches with a development), we'll give it a miss

  Will get onto the planner this week to see what the go is

Cheers lads, much appreciated

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