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Too passionate or too few reactions

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Hey All. We're in the process of preparing to shift over to a whole new edition of the forum software which indeed has MUCH more customisation and user reactionability, so standby for increased emoting per day! (Not to mention a full list of emoticons/emojis/mood descriptors/emotionality reductors/social semiotics!)  ???? Kerry

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Upgrade successful! And now I've allocated Members a total of 20 reactions per day (from 10)

Screenshot 2018-05-04 14.32.45.png


and FMs unlimited! (from 15)

Screenshot 2018-05-04 14.31.50.png


This version of the software has given us much more control over the day to day use of the PFA so I'm hoping to be able to more of this sort of stuff in the coming days etc... K ?

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