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O2 sensor disconnected


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Just had the car in for its first service since I got it and the mechanic noticed the O2 sensor plug was disconnected and the car was running rich. Not knowing the history of the car, he said it's possible the car may have been chipped and that's why it's disconnected but to plug it in and see how it drives. So with it plugged in, it idles lower and a bit lumpier but under hard acceleration, the car lacks power and surges about 3 times through the rev range. This has me confused because I thought the ECU ignored the O2 sensors during WOT???

I'll report my findings to the mechanic but Im interested to see if you guys have any thoughts. I've read about people disconnecting it to mask other problems like vacuum leaks so I'm keen to know whether I should be investigating further. Is there an easy way to find out if the car has an after market chip in it?

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Oh yeah, when I unplugged it while the engine was running, there was a loud metallic pop sound that made me do a little pooh. I first thought Id arced it against something but it was too loud for that. Maybe just backfire? Didn't sound like a backfire though.

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lucky that your ECU doesn't require it I guess

maybe it's old and dead and the previous owner didn't want to replace it

Is your ECU under the seat? i'd assume the aftermarket chips have tags on them

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Simon, the dme will be under the passenger seat secured to the floor with 4 nuts. If you unscrew the nuts and remove it from the floor and have a look underneath the dme, there will be some metal tabs that secure the case. I guess an easy way of checking if its been messed with is if these tabs look like they've been pried open before.

Thats one way without disconnecting the dme. The other way is to actually disconnect it open it up and look at the chip inside. It's however not as simple as just opening it up. There are two halves to the circuit board secured by plastic rods that need to be pried open to open the board like you would open a book. You will be able to see the chip once you do this. The chips from the factory have certain codes on them.

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