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To me celebrating Halloween in Australia makes very little sense. It is based on a pagan belief that on that day, the dead can come across and mix with the living. It was also believed that unless the dead were appeased, then ones harvest could be ruined, but as our crops are not harvested (at this time of year), it really doesn't make a lot of sense to celebrate this, regardless of your beliefs(at this time of year anyway).


However in Mexico and many other latin american countries, they celebrate Dia de Muertos (day of the dead) at the same time of year. This is a day to celebrate and remember family and friends who have passed, with our family and friends. This to me makes a lot more sense, as we have no day to celebrate the lives of family and friends we have lost. Personally I think this would a great way to pass on knowledge to the next generation about family members and also friends that we have lost, which to my mind helps them live on in our hearts and is the next generations heritage.


Anyway I am just wondering what other ppl think about what seems to be happening ie importing a useless commercialised celebration Vs what IMO is a thoughtful and potentially beneficial one, that could just as easily be imported, even though it may be slightly harder to commercialise(which is a plus to me)



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Just another example of commercialisation.  I was talking to an woman yesterday and she is scared of halloween.  The kids come around and do the trick or treat thing and if they didn't get anything, then the little darlings would egg the house and or car.


Get rid of it !!

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Yep, I reckon it is load of rubbish too. Supported by the chains for the obvious motive of profit.

I agree with Cyberpunky the Mexican tradition is a lot more valid,. I don't know if we need it here as we would only be importing more foreign culture to our shores.

Having lived in Mexico for a while I understand the feelings they have for their departed loved ones. They take the day as a sincere and happy occasion but it is primarily a Mexican tradition not Australian.

Let them keep something that is real for themselves.



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I have to agree Dave. I guess seeing all the Halloween stuff going on and Dia de Muertos being totally ignored just got me thinking about what ppl are thinking. To me Dia de Muertos seems sincere and valid yet Halloween just doesn't cut the mustard. No one seems to know what Halloween is even about and all they know is the trick or treat rubbish. When I found out it was basically to protect crops in the northern hemisphere, it just made even less sense to be celebrated here(at least at this time of year).

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