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CnC GC 3rd Sat of each month


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For those who've been following the development of Cars n Coffee Gold Coast, this is it!  Come one come all for the inaugural GC event to be held monthly on the 3rd Saturday of each month. Venue: 20/3, Jackman Street, Southport, Qld 4213. Time: 8am. This 16th January is the maiden event. 

Tell your friends, neighbours, countryman, all cars created equal. No 4WD Good or 2WD Bad. We welcome all, young and not so young. 

A car of the day will be voted democratically and the winner will be greatly surprised. 

Edited by HH1
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The rain gods showered us with their blessings and quickly left us to have an enjoyable morning. All in all about 30 cars turned up from a 1965 RR Cloud 3 to the current AMG powerhouse. It was a promising start to CnC GC. Hot steaming organic gourmet coffee  was provided onsite by an excellent mobile barista. Yum. Good Coffee and good Cars, what more can one ask for on a beautiful Saturday morning. Pics and car of the month will be uploaded onto the Facebook page. Hoping for a stronger turnout next time around. Thanks for everyone's support. 



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Despite a somewhat soggy start to the to the morning, the resolve of the attendees was rewarded - it didn't rain once for the event!

With people driving from as far as Brisbane and the Northern Rivers area we had an interesting and eclectic mix of vehicles, ranging from the pre war period to current day performance icons. Special mention must go to Manuel attending in his race-prepped Alfa Romeo 1750, it must have been quite an unforgiving drive!

People's car of the day was unanimously awarded to the absolutely stunning 1965 Rolls Royce Silver Ghost III. 









Overall, it was a great morning with everyone staying for a couple of hours to converse all things automotive. 

Full set of photos in the link below


Thanks to everyone for their support so far, this never would have happened without it.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Everyone, 

It's that time of the month again - no, not that time! 

It's Cars and Coffee Gold Coast once again. It's on this coming 20th. Same location at 3 Jackman Street, Southport. Gather at the back pavilion around Unit 20. 

8am till mid morning. Coffee truck will be there.  WILL YOU B)

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We've been fortunate to have our event adopted by the GCAAC and as such is now a Registered Auto Club sanctioned event. The benefit of this is that Special Interest Vehicles or Club Registered vehicles will now be able to attend. So get your cars out from under the tarps and come on down. :P

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We had a wonderful turnout today. Many beautiful cars and a ducati. Cars, trucks, German, British, Italian, American and everything in between. It was great. Great company and good coffee, what more can anyone ask for. Pictures to be uploaded shortly or simply visit our Facebook page - Cars & Coffee Gold Coast. Cheers Sohan. B)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everyone,

The 3rd CnCGC will be held on the 19th of March being next Saturday. We've had a permanent change of venue. Hence forth it'll be held at 238,  Mudgeeraba Road, Mudgeeraba.

Hope  to see all of you there.


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