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Long commutes kill your brain?

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Struggling to translate common sense into, whatever they use to make decisions. 

Why use Australian brains when Austrian ones are so much better?


A HOBART-based company will join forces with a team of Austrian experts in a bid to fix the capital city’s congestion crisis.


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Hobart traffic congestion 


oxymoron alert!!

You have no idea. Wealthy mainlanders are coming down in droves and most drive 2-3 cars at once.

It doesn't help have no ability to cut through granitic rock to make tunnels etc. Sydney's got it easy with that sandstone and flat earth. 

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Hobart traffic congestion 


oxymoron alert!!

Oh man.  That city isn't designed for cars.  Plus they do 68 lanes into one entering and exiting the bridge!


(As the kids said a few years ago)

Especially the engineer's. Struggling to translate common sense into, whatever they use to make decisions. 

"Let's call a meeting so that we can get some concensus"

....Because they run interference on each other if they think they've been excluded from the decision making process

(Aka: no leadership)

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