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Poor Mans GPS tracker

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Hey this is a Porsche forum , no poor people here :P

I haven't got a smartphone connected up but then again I don't lose things , so at this stage in life I'm OK. Still got the wife to find the odd lost sock.

I predict these d-vices will fill every next Christmas stocking though. Except mine I guess.

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Ive got one they work ok in big city centres as it relies on other users devices to create a network to be found 

Around the house is just ok as it will use your bluetooth to be found if in range. If you take it out in the countryside or even the outer suburbs it won't work

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One of the best poor mans trackers to have is to have an old iphone wired in to the car somewhere, hidden. Then just use 'find my iphone'. I have an old iphone 4 I plan on using for just that.

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