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718 faulty wiper


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Hi all

I recently bought a new 718 Cayman S, after about 4000k's the wiper some how shifted and started hitting the paint work on the top drivers side corner. The wipers have never been touched (not by me anyways). 

As you can imagine, the paint work on the corner had been damaged. I took it in to claim under warranty, they adjusted the wiper, cut and polished the scratch and gave the car back to me. The only way to fix this would be to respray the entire roof, which I would imagine would be a significant job. I have attached a photo which I took after the repair. Call me fussy, but I'm really not happy with the repair as this car has cost an absolute fortune.

This is not the first time the car has been back either. On two different occasions, the entire left hand door trim had to be replaced and the drivers side memory button required replacement. I'm starting to get very frustrated as every time something goes wrong, I need to take time out of work to go there. 

Wondering what you would all do in this situation? I'm about to email head office :D ... Has anyone had this issue with the cayman wiper? 


paint damage.png

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Email Porsche  Stuttgart don,t bother with Australian head office we all know the run around and buck passing you get in this country  go straight to the top,,,,,,and contact consumer affairs don,t play nice go for blood ,,,,Nice guys come last ,,A holes get what they want ,,I would be pissed too on any new car purchase let alone a Porsche ,,Sh*t does happen but something should be done to solve the issue once and for all and the dealer is only as good as the people they employ .......hope they do the right thing by you ,,sorry to read of this issue ...

What city are you in ...?  I ask because many of the independent Porsche specialists are better than the dealers by a long shot ...

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hahaha I will give them a chance to respond to my long winded email about how I want this back to how it was when I bought it. They wouldn't sell a brand new car like this, so why should I have to put up with their fault.

After that I'll go to head office or consumer affairs. It's very frustrating, because I actually love the car and hate being without it.

I am in Melbourne :)

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I would try one of the Porsche specialists in Melbourne I know the Sydney specialists are authorized to do warranty work and they have a real passion for the cars and the brand ,,,I have always found the dealers to be not as good and just treat you like a number .............sounds like the wipers are not in the correct starting position and when in use the wiper though is to long and hitting the paintwork at the extreme of their motion ,,just a guess as I have never looked at the wiper set up on the 718,,,they shouldn,t be going that high wipers generally stop around 50mm short of that point as I am sure you know ...

I am from Sydney and unfortunately can not recommend an independent Porsche specialist ,,,but am certain a Vic member could ..

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I have purchased 5 new porsches from dealers in Sydney & have to say any issues I raised were treated with utmost professionalism, no questions, no arguments. They even highlighted issues I wasn’t aware of & said we’ve already ordered parts. Can I suggest as Raven has pointed out you need to call bullshit & put your foot down, most unlike Porsche in my experience. All else fails call Paul Ellis at Porsche Cars Australia, he’s in Melbourne.

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I'd take the car to a Porsche approved smash repairer and get a quote to have it fixed, that way you have a professional recommending a repair and your dealership have something they can put up to be funded.


1 hour ago, porsche718 said:

The only way to fix this would be to respray the entire roof

Why do you need the whole roof resprayed ?

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Sorry to hear of your fault, certainly not what you'd expect.

If it was me, I think I'd want to minimise any chance of exacerbating the paintwork issue further.. Doing what Raven suggested, getting Porsche to recommend an authorised repairer  but only have a spot repaint done. I don't think I'd get the whole roof repainted, because of where it would be blended in. A skilled paint guy would be able to mask up to a crease and blend it ok, especially being white.

Good luck with the repair

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I would go back to the dealer, sit down with the manager, and discuss it in a rational manner. Unlike buying a Kia or any other run of the mill car, your dealer should regard you as a customer for life. Don't leave until you get a resolution.  

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