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OK guys so I need some road tips getting from Melbs to Porepunkah. Heading up with the family in a fortnight and want to find the windiest route through the hills. What’s the best route? How does the Whitfield Rd from Mansfield go?

If anyone is keen for a blast through Hotham and the high country roads I’ll be out with a few others on the 13th and 14th April. 

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I'm not too familiar with roads getting to Porepunkah, but I have spent quite a bit of time staying at Mt Beauty and driving through the surrounding twisties. I can't recommend enough the Omeo Highway through the Mitta Mitta Valley.

Not sure how much time you have for driving while you're there, but if you take the Kiewa Vally Highway up to Tallangatta, then follow the Omeo Highway south through to Omeo. From there you can head back via Dinner Plain and Hotham. Alternatively from Omeo you can head back along the Omeo Highway for a bit and head up the back of Falls Creek then back through Mt Beauty and accross the Tawonga Gap.

Some pics of my trips below.

Happy driving.




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