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Pardon my cynicism, but . . . . .


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Maybe I'm old fashioned

or just a little sceptical

when the NSW Government closed perfectly good roads (yes, the ones that
you and I had paid for with our rates, taxes and rego) so that we were
'encouraged' to use the newly built toll roads, I got sore.  I remain

I'm also sore about revenue raising from Speed Cameras and the stale old
mantra that speed kills.  To say nothing about the broken promises from
the current State Government.

but there is a bigger picture, one that affects your future, mine, and especially that of our children and grandchildren.

I first became interested when, during the organisation of a rally while
I was researching local points of interest, I came across this
gem:  "the traffic circle in the centre of Appin is now more than a
metre lower than it used to be."  Huh?

further investigation revealed how damaged the aquifers in the area are -
a friend tells me that pools in the river where he used to swim as a child now bubble gas and are
foul smelling

So i think that we all should think about this report, and I look forward to some debate and comment

read this and weep

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My family and neighbours are in the middle of a fight with a Chinese and Dutch owned coal seam gas company called Dart Energy. I own a rural property in Fullerton Cove, 15mins north of Newcastle. They want to drill through the aquifers and extract millions of litres of water which in turn takes pressure off the gas there buy letting it rise so they can pump it off and send it to China. These aquifers are part of the Tomago Sand Beds. They supply 30 percent of Newcastle's drinking water. If this water is polluted or depleted there is no fixing it EVER. We've been trying to tell the people of Newcastle about this but not many are interested. Its good that some people in the cities are starting to educate themselves and talk about mining and the depletion of our ground water. We started our fight about 2 years ago. We currently have an injunction on Dart Energy drilling in Fullerton cove. No other resident group in the country has got that far. We are waiting on a judgement to be handed down this month. We took dart to court to try and get an Independent Environmental Assessment.

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On Saturday I saw Annie Leonard speak at the Sustainable Living Festival in Melbourne. I'll be honest, I had no idea who she was and I hadn't seen her movie Story of Stuff. She makes a lot of sense and has really made me stop and think about being a consumer versus living as a human being. 


We are destroying this planet to make crap, crap we chuck in the bin! On some levels I knew that,  but I didn't 'know' that if you get what I mean.  


For those of you who also don't know who she is or seen her movie, check it out.. its rather simplistic but it works



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This is the same problem here in Quirindi.  The Chinese/BHP want to mine the Breeza Plain, where there is a massive artesion basin, that apparantly stretches across Australia.  This water supplies all the irrigation water for the Breeza Plain and the town of Quirindi, amongst others, with fresh water, not the Quipolli Dam that is nearby.  That feeds Werris Creek.......at the moment.  Apparantly someone is raising the spillway to increase its water level and building a pipeline to Quirindi....hmmmmm.


Some protests by local farmers has had some success in that they will initially not mine the Breeza Plain...just the hills surrounding, which feed water to the basin.


Again once polluted or destroyed, its all over for the agricultural industry in the area.


Its up to the people to force our leaders to stop this mining insanity because the foreign companies couldn't give a stuff.


I'll get off my soap box now 

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If you watch the news next Sunday night you might see the residents of Fullerton Cove again. We have a protest on Sunday called Walk The Cove where we will proclaim Fullerton Cove as a Coal Seam Gas free area. We are not Hippies looking for a protest. There is no rent a hippy element. I work in the mining industry. But it's a case of " when is enough an enough" We care for the environment. Our children have to live here after we've gone. If you live near by and care about the water you drink it starts at 10am Sunday. There's a sausage sizzle after.

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You all make a pretty good point.

However. The rules of the forum say, " This includes political, racist, sexist or religious opinions. This is a CAR FORUM folks! "

I may be wrong.


Having started this post, and having read some of the informed comment, I have not detected any political bias.  Nor anything sexy.  As for religion, some of our contributors worship at the altar of their automobile . . . .


The thread is one of awareness to what is literally going on under our feet.  Our tacit acceptance is viewed as condoning the ruination of our children's future.  Coal seam gas fracking, long wall mining - these are destructive but profitable initiatives and the long term problems they create are being left for future generations to worry about.


or will some future Prime Minister just have to say "Sorry" and she'll be right?

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No drama, Sydr.

I undrerstand you have not set out to make it a political thread.

However, I have seen many times this type of thread go political very fast.

It will only take one person to say something the others don't like and away we go.

When I was a mod here, it was me that pushed for the rule to ban political comment.

I am fearful that allowing this type of thread is the start of it all.

Having said that, if the mods don't have an issue with it, great.

They know how I feel on the issue.


Anyone thinking crazy old Vas is at it again.

Have a look at the PP Politics and Religion section, you may understand better what I am saying.


On a personal level, I agree 100% with what you say.  :)

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My family and neighbours are in the middle of a fight with a Chinese and Dutch owned coal seam gas company called Dart Energy. I own a rural property in Fullerton Cove, 15mins north of Newcastle. They want to drill through the aquifers and extract millions of litres of water which in turn takes pressure off the gas there buy letting it rise so they can pump it off and send it to China. These aquifers are part of the Tomago Sand Beds. They supply 30 percent of Newcastle's drinking water. If this water is polluted or depleted there is no fixing it EVER. We've been trying to tell the people of Newcastle about this but not many are interested. Its good that some people in the cities are starting to educate themselves and talk about mining and the depletion of our ground water. We started our fight about 2 years ago. We currently have an injunction on Dart Energy drilling in Fullerton cove. No other resident group in the country has got that far. We are waiting on a judgement to be handed down this month. We took dart to court to try and get an Independent Environmental Assessment.


Fullerton Cove gets a special mention, at the tail end of this article, well done and click here

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I thought I'd post this video in here, it seems somewhat related to this thread  ie the bigger picture, our planet Earth!


This is a stunning account by Astronauts and their experiencing looking back at Earth. Features astronauts from Apollo 14 and various Shuttle missions.




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