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993 v 993 s4 v 993 turbo

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Can`t quite understand the vast price difference between the models?

  • Turbo seems to be around the $120-$150 k 
  • The  non turbo S4 is  $105k ,
  • The std 993  4 around  $80k
  • The std 993 anything from $50k 


Ideally i would love the turbo but cant justify the money , what is the main difference between the S4 and the 4 is it just the  wide body? .

would think if you going to spend $105k on a S4 you might as well spend the extra and go the turbo ,


The 993 4 is more what i was happy to spend , but not worth the extra $40k just to get 4wd 


Would like  to get  your thoughts on this , and are the prices i have seen on the money ?




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In Melbourne the 4wd would be worth it on wet days for the greater stability but then some ppl wouldn't even consider driving their cars in the wet, so it would be a waste for them or they may live in QLD where I here it never rains anyway ;).

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Hi Paul,


This might be a good starting point for the 993 variants...





With regard to price brackets, I think your groupings may be over simplified and you should also take in account additional factors like,

- tip, Man

- body style i.e. coupe, cab, targa

- varioram, non-Varioram

- Aust delivered, import

- mileage

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