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FUNNY... but is it fair?!?!

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This clip is funny, but if it was me, I'd probably have given him a smack long before the explanation. 


We do we think?!


(Maybe I should have posted this in the "Having a Moan" section...?)


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I think its real, well as far as the bunny was concerned anyway, my problem is if someone played this "gag" on me, I wouldn't be that happy, and as I said, a SMACK would probably ensue!


But thats what is funny, its not the actual driving (which is only mildly entertaining), but its the "gotcha" effect in his discomfort and fear (hence the upholder ploy) that we're laughing at... I don't know, I laughed, but I sort of wish that it had been for different reasons.


Maybe its just a grumpy old man day today?! ;)



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