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Who has a LHD and drives it "regularly"?

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I am interested to know of those that own LHD cars if anyone drives them on a regular basis, not just garages them and brings them out every few months.


Of you that do drive them weekly, fortnightly (or more often), etc, have you experienced any issues with this (not reliability issues, more practical issues)?


I have never lived with one as a road car, i am not sure how practical they would be, as i would want to drive it fairly often and enjoy it, not just on a every few months on a sunny day basis.


I have looked at a couple but am trying to get my head around the LHD factor before getting too deep into seriously considering buying one.


All thoughts and experiences are most welcome!


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I don't have an LHD but I have many thousands of kms experience driving on the wrong side of the car. The main problems are (1) overtaking and (2) tollbooths and car parks with ticket machines. Staying in traffic, parking that sort of thing don't become an issue.

Edit : do-> don't Autocorrect knows just when to completely upend the meaning of the sentence, my experience is driving RHD on the right

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I had one and miss the left hooker. Would buy another without thinking, in fact I'm thinking about doing just that.


I drove my car at least a few times a week to work and the shops etc. Only thing that was a pain in the rear was the gate at work. 

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Drove my LHD 912 everyday in city traffic for 2.5 yrs.

Loved it and prefer driving left. I don't drive as often now as I work from home.

Fact both my cars are lefties! 


Only issue overtaking on a freeway - but like anything tread carefully.

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Yeah i drive my lefty approx once a week. Got period buckets as well so it's a little harder getting over to grab tickets from car park booths but I have a trusty mechanical hand when i'm feeling lazy. Only thing is you have think in advance and put the window down when you start out so you don't hold ppl up at the gates (as I don't have power windows. )


Other  tricky thing is when you pull out of a parallel park, it's hard to see traffic but i generally have the wife in the passenger seat giving me the all clear.


Fun going through a RBT and having the cop do a double take before walking over to the other side of the car.

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I have a 67 Mustang convertible that was LHD for 5 years before I got sick of it and had it converted to RHD. I finally realised that I was only driving it on long drives and never in the city as it was just too much of a hassle with carparks, toll gates, drive thrus, parallel parking etc. I would also never take it on a whim as too much planning was needed.

Once I had it converted, I drive it a few times a week and never worry or have to plan to drive it.

If you want to drive it once a week LHD is fine. If you want a daily driver I would reconsider.


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Left hook & yes, daily driver...... On trips it encourages keeping the space with the car ahead, on SMT's you get better visuals into / out of corners ( or is that a mental think),

Yeah can be a pain in the butt using supermarket / pay to park, but really if you like it and want to drive it then....... No issues.......

Agree with the p.p on RBT's....... Watching the double takes as they walk round the other side can be priceless........

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No problem.

Used my '64 Thunderbird, not a small car, as a daily driver for a number of years.

Would still be using now if the fuel prices hadn't got to me. 

Overtaking these days with so many multi lane roads is less of a problem than you would think.



If no passenger, getting pay to park tickets is a nuisance. 



Getting out of the car on the footpath side.

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