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Was a huge turn out at the Noosa Classic car show, no trophy’s again? :(... lol 


Think they might need to look how they judge the cars, at least take into account

If the car is "original and year of manufacture ect." but it was well run and it was nice to meet some new Porsche people and see so many great looking cars IMG_1857_zpsuzw3om9r.jpg




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Was up there visiting from Melbourne taking advantage of a ridiculous public holiday, saw the flyer but didn't manage to get the business case approved with SHMBO to attend.  Looks like we missed a good one.

I can assure you, the weather up there is exceptional.  There was this bright orange thing in the sky for a few hours today in Melbourne, think we are being invaded...

Thinking of shipping the car up for a longer trip to take advantage of the awesome tarmac on Hastings St ;)

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