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Dream House!!


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What a great idea. My next house will have this.  Alternatively all I need do is place windows where the brick wall is now in the current house and there you go I will have this look.

Now the big problem, does anyone have an idea how to seal off the garage to dust.  With the wind we had yesterday in Melbourne both cars and the garage are covered in dust and small debris that blew in via the gap at the top of the garage door.  

Does anyone know what's available out there in garage door land that will allow me to seal off the garage. Have had tilt a door (worst door), a roll a door (sealed at the sides and bottom but still a gap at the top where the roller mechanism is) and the current door, a panel lift door (best door but still a gap at the top)

Was thinking of constructing some form of dangling felt pads along the top edge (similar to a car wash) that will provide some form of dust seal and also clean the garage door every time it opens and closes but I am open to other suggestions.  Maybe if the felt idea works I will patent the design and with the royalties when I sell the concept to B & D Garage Doors I can fund the new GT3 RS.  Sounds like a plan.....

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I did a project along this theme in the UK about 10 years ago. Rather than the cars being in the middle of the house, they were down one side, making up one wall of the living/dining space. This was because of where the street access had to be. One small twist was using switchable glass which can be either clear or opaque depending on if a current is switched on or off (conventional switch). The idea was that if the garage or cars were in a mess you could block them off. I know that they have since looked at a system where you can use the switchable glass as a surface for big screen projection.

As for the garage door, that really is the easy bit. there are a multitude of options that depend on the type of door being used, all of which are considered when designing the overall project. Strange thing about seals is that one of the worlds top manufacturers is here in Oz and we used to import a significant amount of their products into the UK. Their brochure is over 100 pages and their products range from domestic to commercial, and cover weather, energy, fire and smoke, acoustic light and more. It's a matter of matching the right seals and threshold details to the type of door you want to use. All boring stuff but the sort of detail that is needed to make projects work.


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