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Bugger all, I pushed hard with PCB and I could barely get 5% off a diesel and then looked at GTS which was jist released and they wouldn't really discount at all.  Maybe demand is not as hot as it was back then (a year ago) but they seem to dig their heels in with short supply and strong demand.  A few guys on here have Macans and might chime in.

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+1 ^^ and you won't wait. 

i built a Turbo last year... not much discounting to be had (2%), went back with Dad and we ordered him a GTS, he got a little more love than I did... fucker. ?

It varies only little depending who you talk you, but I have heard the franchised dealerships are willing to be more aggressive on discounts. 

I have only been happy with PCSS so they get my hard earned $$$ 

good luck, hell of a car and a great Porsche 

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