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Wanted Wide Body Front Guards and Headlights


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Ok, the thing is - you probably won`t find any metal turbo fenders here in Australia (unless they are brand new) if you`re not lucky enough. You can find some in the US but that`s gonna be a pain in an ass to get them here. Shipping is too dear. With some fiberglass parts - a bit easier, for something like 1200-1500 US bucks for the shipping and up to 1500 for the pair of fenders you might get a descent product. Plus painting and (it`s quite tough) colour matching. 

With the headlights - whether you buying all the components new (rims, lamps, buckets etc)  original or you could build a H.I.D. lights with some parts, or something in between - look for a used parts and get them all. 

In any case - happy hunting.

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