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22nd Nov Mornington Peninsula Blast

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So, if you're interested in an early morning run down to, and around the Mornington Peninsula, post a reply here and join

Kerry, Douglas, Frank964, 9fan, Steve Porter and David Webber for a blast.


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Hi All,

I'm without access to a real computer at the moment and my iPhone doesn't seem to allow me to send PMs, so in answer to all who have PM'd me about the 15th conflicting... How about the following Sunday, the 22nd?


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Hi All,

I'm without access to a real computer at the moment and my iPhone doesn't seem to allow me to send PMs, so in answer to all who have PM'd me about the 15th conflicting... How about the following Sunday, the 22nd?


Hi kerry sounds fine to me


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OK, its official... the 22nd it is!


Hi Kerry

I have a couple of different runs in mind, how long do you think we should do the run for? I can do a run for about 1.5 hours with some good stretches. One area is known for roos which can just appear out of nowhere, I guess if we are all aware of the roos in this area it should be OK.... I will ask about opening times at a cafe along the run.



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Hi Kerry

I have a couple of different runs in mind, how long do you think we should do the run for? I can do a run for about 1.5 hours with some good stretches. One area is known for roos which can just appear out of nowhere, I guess if we are all aware of the roos in this area it should be OK.... I will ask about opening times at a cafe along the run.



Hi Frank,

I wondered whether we should nominate a start time and place already down there, (at the foot of Arthurs Seat maybe) so that some could use Eastlink, others Frankston Freeway, others Nepean etc etc?

I thought 8am down there would give us a couple of hours before the Sunday drivers hit, so 1.5hrs before brunch could be perfect. As for roos, the first car needs to be LOUD!

What does everyone else think?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Frank,

I wondered whether we should nominate a start time and place already down there, (at the foot of Arthurs Seat maybe) so that some could use Eastlink, others Frankston Freeway, others Nepean etc etc?

I thought 8am down there would give us a couple of hours before the Sunday drivers hit, so 1.5hrs before brunch could be perfect. As for roos, the first car needs to be LOUD!

What does everyone else think?


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1. Hi Kerry, mate very enjoyable Sunday morning. I have tried to attach a few photos from today, that I have resized etc but when I hit "attach this file" it keeps coming up in Pink as "ERROR NO FILE SELECTED FOR UPLOAD".

My computor skills leave a lot to be desired, but can you suggest what I am doing or more to the point "not doing" so I can get the photos on the forum?



2. OOppss after having said all that the photos are magically appearing, delete all the above and I will try and put them onto the gallery section.

3. Saga continues, unfortunately it won't let me get them onto the gallery , sorry about that.

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I have tried to attach a few photos from today, that I have resized etc but when I hit "attach this file" it keeps coming up in Pink as "ERROR NO FILE SELECTED FOR UPLOAD".

My computor skills leave a lot to be desired, but can you suggest what I am doing or more to the point "not doing" so I can get the photos on the forum?

3. Saga continues, unfortunately it won't let me get them onto the gallery , sorry about that.

Hi Niko,

Yes it was a good little drive, although it has certainly been a while since I have driven solidly from 6am to 11.45am (breakfast stopped included) in torrential rain!!! What a bizarre contrast to the previous 10 days or so.

As far as pics are concerned... you seem to have done fine as far as loading them is concerned, however when I try and access them, they take a really long time to appear. I suspect that it is down to a case of file size, and we'll have to find an easier way for us to do this. Any suggestions anyone as to an online, or I guess a free downloadable application, that reduces file size, with a minimum of fuss?

The other options are to join Flickr and set up an account, upload your pics, and then use those files, or their url's to post on PF.

Mac's email application "Mail" can resize pics when sending simply by attaching the large file, and then selection Large/Medium/Small and send it to yourself... the files received are then small, medium, large.

However surely someone has a better idea than that.

FYI - The Gallery hasn't been activated as yet (it costs extra), thus far I'm just happy to see them in the posts, as you did!



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I just added my versions of the same pics and although it took 15 or 20 seconds , it seemed to upload my reasonably large files (1.53Mb and 1.46Mb jpegs). The problem is that the files are too big to look at easily therefore, resizing is still necessary.

The process just to confirm is: "Choose File"; "Attach This File"; and then once the file is visible under Attachments, "Add to Post"...

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