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Tasmanian Experience

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Wow. Unbeknownst to me this boat is a killer.

2001 we had a great trip on the boat.

2002 the horror - see above.

2003 my mechanic took the car on the boat and I flew...  Gold plates that year too!

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It's standard to have a good old vom.

I recall getting off in melb, going into a shop and walking into shelves like a drunk.

Anyone remember the Spewcat? Apparantly was a lot worse. Sailed between George Town and Melb at quite a fast speed.. heard nothing but nightmare spew stories.

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We had a WILD storm en route to Targa Tas in 2002 I think.  Boat trashed, lots of cars damaged etc etc

I almost didn't start the event I was so ill (during and afterwards).  Still remember the giant horse needle later the Tassie Dr gave me whilst he chuckled away.  I arrived home 7 kgs lighter - on a plane not a boat.  

I will never ever step foot on that godforsaken boat again.

not to make light of your disastrous experience @OBRUT, I went over in 2000 and the old tugboat at around then and early 2000s has since being upgraded. They got a bigger & newer version, much more stable a few years after your trip... I think.

But the crossing can be tough still on a bad night... I hear.


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Anyone remember the Spewcat? Apparantly was a lot worse. Sailed between George Town and Melb at quite a fast speed.. heard nothing but nightmare spew stories.

worst night of my life.   It wasn't supposed to sail if swell was above 5m.  Once out of the Tamar river the weather picked up and swell went to 7+.  Bastards wouldn't turn back.  Even the crew couldn't cope.  I think the normal trip time was about 4 hours, we slugged it out for over 10 hours.  

The current boat is slower but much better.  

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