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Crazy stuff. Driest ever June in Tassy. I'm still picking tomatoes, not in a greehouse.

Cold but not too cold. Cold is good because you get more air molecules in your car's intake,  without the need for a big hairdryer. Plus planes can take off when it's cold , but not when it's hot.

I see poor Sydneysiders are suffering today.


Meanwhile , the hardy +/- lacking of gainful employment are celebrating legal nudity in Hobart


Towel shortage. First world problem if ever there was. You must thick as a whale omelette to plan a nude cold swim and not pack a towel.

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 Why is it always Sydney that is mentioned in the news about weather? 

'Ooh its a scorcher in Sydney today. 37 degrees!' 'Ooh its cold in Sydney today,  6 degrees!'

 Pfft, harden up ;) 

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 Why is it always Sydney that is mentioned in the news about weather? 

'Ooh its a scorcher in Sydney today. 37 degrees!' 'Ooh its cold in Sydney today,  6 degrees!'

 Pfft, harden up ;) 

Because there is nothing else to talk about here... :lol: 


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