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997 purschase advice required


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Hi all, require your advice. After looking for a long time for my first Porsche - a 997.1 c2s or C4S, and after recently getting burnt on a supposed perfect car (that needed $10k repairs). After a Tiptronic, clean cabriolet with lowish kms. Been offered a Porsche dealer car (2007 997 C4S cab) with full service history, and has extended warranty up until 2 years ago. Only catch 140k kms for $90k drive away. It's been driven daily, and will come up ok once all cleaned up. I drive short distances about two  a week, and keep the car for a few years. 

Should I be holding out for less kms, or should I take comfort in the fact that it's a dealer approved car with a full history?

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In your favour there is likely less demand for the combination you are after, namely auto cab so it should be a buyers market. There are quite a few listed on Carsales with far less km's which is what I would be looking for.

eg $92.5K with 82,000km's


$99.5K with 82,000km's


$87.5 with 95,000km's


$91K with 104,000km's


The market has softened a bit in the last 6 months and with your combination of auto cab the selling price may be 10% or so less than the ask above.

Most importantly, get a Pre Purchase Inspection (PPI) from someone who know Porsches that is independent from the seller. Money well spent.


ps for comparison, this one is only $70K with 140,000km's on it so your 997.1 one sounds on the high side.



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I agree strongly with @diamond911 - way too many Kay's. Remember porsche will give a warranty to any car with no issues that is under 100,000 kms and less than 10 years old. So get your ppi done there (if you want a warranty and specifically ask them what will then be needed to be done to get the warranty). My view is the warranty is gold on an old car!

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I think the price is top heavy ... other than that sounds like a good car.. you say you will drive it two times a week , but hey when the joy flows it will be three and then a weekend jaunt.. who wants to really worry about those extra Kms and as they creep up it will be come a fear factor instead of a joy factor. I bet before you know it you will have popped 20kms in and then I ask you , how many is too many... for a modernish car.. what number turns you off .. the 100k , 200k barrier on the speedo can be a real dampening effect. For me being from blighty I am also attuned to the 160kms threshold being the 100,000 mile arena ..

The market is getting more and more flush with cars.. change isnt far away,  is my car astrology forecast,  with new models coming through and spring around the corner.

If you got the cash , you are  in ringside seat to choose ..    

The money is saved or the value gained at the buy in .. getting in is easy ..getting out is hard. I think an extra 10-15% off alone for the high kms off market price point. The question is right now , what is the market price point, I would have a look at @Diamond911's data and take a look at those listings and see how long those cars have sat.

Is the price you review against on cars that are already sitting? 997 GT3 I know as I have bought one , have dropped off 10-20%

Mostly what you may have also seen is no stock, just take a a look at the whats for sale thread .. we have been mostly bored since Christmas .. markets been softening and there has been little stock of decent cars..

Also remember some of these cars are now heading outside dealer networks/carsales , being beyond that 10 year age group.. are you in touch with the 2nd tier of repairers to ask them what clients they may have with good cars that may come up for sale.  Many dont sell their cars because they cant be arsed with the car sales dramas.. 

As for 997 .. great car

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been looking at the 997 Cab market for the last 9 months now.

In the last 6 months the market has turned cold. Almost all the cars that I have saved on my watchlists are unsold.

$90k is way to high for the spec you listed. The dealers can't shift these cars either.

A Carrera S, Cab, Auto would be sub $80k car all day long and I would be lowballing $75k to see if you get a deal.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all. Hope I'm not stealing the conversation but the price discussion gotme interested.

Currently looking to upgrade my 987 Boxster S to a 997 Carrera 2S Mk I convertible.

What would you guys reckon would be a valid price range for such a car?

Let's say a 997 CS Mk I convertible with 80k km and a good history. $90 000? Less?

Thanks for that, cheers

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