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It will be a slow sell, personally I think the kms will slow it down, it's desirable to a lot of people in that spec, I heard there were 13 of these in the country but this seller is saying 10, anyone else want to have a stab.

This is the first turbo with this spec we have seen on the market for at least 2 yrs maybe more.

Let the games begin.

I think if one is spending  $54k, a flight to do a once over won't stop most people.

If nothing else it's got all the 944 owners talking them down, me not understand.

I don't think it the car they are talking down .... it's more the pricing ....

But what would a old 911 owner know??

In your 944 turbo opinion .... is it overpriced? .... what is it worth??

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Doesn't really matter what i think it's worth, someone will probably say that I am only trying to talk up the price because I own one.

What i do know is that these cars in that spec is the very top of the tree in the 944 world that has come out of the factory standard.

I drove mine today, and it's worth every cent of that price, and a recent private conversation with you Ronny will let you know what can be achieved sale wise for a very good example.

If someone was holding out buying the red 86, the 89 would surely sell over that, better brakes anyway:ph34r:

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That '89 Turbo is definitely awesome. Personally, I don't think the car is overpriced, have a look at what a nice Turbo S goes for overseas and you wouldn't get much change from $50k if you tried to import one. Super rare and Porsche engineering at its finest....and still a fraction of the price of a clean 911 Turbo of any description.

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If it doesn't sell within two weeks, I'm wrong about my guess of the current market strength for these models.

Mind, you, I just noticed the seller is in Ballarat, which is going to put something of a damper on interstate buyers in particular.

Given that the last nice example S2 sold for $35K after two days, I don't see $40K+ for a particularly nice S2 or early Turbo as a bridge too far. Turbo S gets a premium on top of that, which is why I think about $50K could be the limit there.

I may have missed it, but did we actually confirm the sale price of that S2, did it indeed go for the full price? I have been saying all year $35k is the magic number for an exceptional S2, that is what I honestly believe from looking at the sales for the last two years, as always I put the caveat on it that it is just my opinion. I just think the jump to $40k's is just too bigger jump at the moment. I am interested to see how 2017 plays out, I've been wrong before and if being wrong means my car is worth in the $40's then that will be easy to swallow. We need to put a small wager on it Plugger, that the common price (if we have enough cars to sample from) will not be in the $40's for Turbo's and S2's by Christmas 2017. How about we wager a PFA t-shirt on it? My size is large and I like white, just sayin.....

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I may have missed it, but did we actually confirm the sale price of that S2, did it indeed go for the full price?

I've got his number if you want to ring and ask him.;)

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I may have missed it, but did we actually confirm the sale price of that S2, did it indeed go for the full price?

Generally speaking, if a car sells within 48 hours of being advertised, one can assume it's gone at full or close to full asking price.

I have been saying all year $35k is the magic number for an exceptional S2, that is what I honestly believe from looking at the sales for the last two years, as always I put the caveat on it that it is just my opinion.

If you've been saying it for a year, then you are probably a year out of date with your pricing. Do you think prices haven't obviously and steadily been moving up in the last 12 months?

We need to put a small wager on it Plugger, that the common price (if we have enough cars to sample from) will not be in the $40's for Turbo's and S2's by Christmas 2017. How about we wager a PFA t-shirt on it? My size is large and I like white, just sayin.....

I'm up for that; how should we formalise the bet? It has to be based on asking price, unfortunately, because the actual selling price is usually not obtainable. How about at least one early Turbo/S2 advertised for $40K+ sells by the end of the year on carsales? (And I won't quibble if a car sells that's advertised for $39.9K... it's got to have a "4" in front of it.)

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All year is 2017, we're only 3 months in?????maybe year to date might have been more correct... not one advertised, there are a number advertised in the $50s right now, I'm saying the common or average advertised prices will not be in the $40's. Sorry for the confusion. No stats work of a sample of one sale, not even Trumps

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All year is 2017, we're only 3 months in?????maybe year to date might have been more correct... not one advertised, there are a number advertised in the $50s right now, I'm saying the common or average advertised prices will not be in the $40's. Sorry for the confusion. No stats work of a sample of one sale, not even Trumps

I'd be more worried that Plugger would buy one out of spite just to win the shirt .... :ph34r:  :lol:

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All year is 2017, we're only 3 months in?????maybe year to date might have been more correct... not one advertised, there are a number advertised in the $50s right now, I'm saying the common or average advertised prices will not be in the $40's. Sorry for the confusion. No stats work of a sample of one sale, not even Trumps

Well, I don't think stats are necessary -- it's really a question about where the upper limit lies for these cars. Obviously a car that is LHD/UK/tatty body or interior/needs lots of mechanical work is going to sell at a substantial discount -- I'm thinking of *nice* examples. Given the relative rarity of such examples coming up (which of course, is also contributing to the market pricing on the supply side), I'm not thinking of an "average", just what's "achievable" for the primo examples. So one nice example advertised for $40K+ and selling before the end of 2017 would prove my case.

We could even add in the Turbos S to the mix: How about if an early Turbo/S2 advertised for $40K+ sells, *or* a Turbo S advertised for $50K+ sells?

But if you want to restrict it just early Turbos/S2s that's fine with me.

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Too cheap for an S spec:ph34r:

I'd better ring and tell him he made an error;)

Sorry to rain on your t shirt wearing parade, but it's advertised under $40k .....

Next! ....... B)

Hang on im going to take some photos.

Now what was my my Carsales login.........

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Mine no, and i'm pretty sure Rob's is non M030 delivered.

Surely you could only get the Turbo S spec with MO30?

In any case, I've never seen or heard of an Oz delivered 944 with the split back seats... it's always turned out to be a UK car when I've seen that.

Not saying that this couldn't be an exception for some reason, but I would check very carefully that it is actually an Oz delivered vehicle.

I suppose any Porsche dealership could check that using the VIN?

If actually an Oz car, then I'd say pricing looks very keen. If UK, then not so much.

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I have a1989 Australian delivered 944 Turbo and does not have split fold rear seats - single folding

Does anyone know numbers of 944 Turbos imported to Australia? Previous post days 110 in 1986 and none in 1987. Curious about numbers of the 250 hp versions in1989-1990


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