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Stale (wallpaper) ads

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What do you suppose is the logic behind leaving an ad on, for example,  carsales for 3, 6, 12 etc months.  In most cases, there will be no changes to the car, to the ad description or to the asking price.

Do people think the market will eventually come to them?  Is it the old "Honey, the car IS for sale" line?  Laziness? (and no cost to leave ad up).  Waiting for that "one" buyer who is looking for exactly your car spec?

I just don't get it.  Carsales in particular is full of these background or wallpaper ads.

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Pre gold rush , cars could on average easily sit for up to 6 months on car sales, club ads languish even longer.

market usually finds its way there  doesn't it? Might not meet buyers expectations but usually occurs...

E,G what happened to that fruity 993 RS tribute thing that was far nsw south coast ? 


Obrut, whats your philandering  eye dissecting? 

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Pre gold rush , cars could on average easily sit for up to 6 months on car sales, club ads languish even longer.

market usually finds its way there  doesn't it? Might not meet buyers expectations but usually occurs...

E,G what happened to that fruity 993 RS tribute thing that was far nsw south coast ? 


Obrut, whats your philandering  eye dissecting? 

I've been watching G series and 964 cabs of late - which have, imo, a massive disconnect between seller's expectation and reality.  I get the sense than there is no point in even starting a negotiation when the difference is so great.

The last one I saw actually sell was due to a price revision from high 70's to mid 40's.

I suppose the bit I don't get is - if you actually DO WANT to sell a car - then why continue to advertise it at a price that is getting no interest for months on end?  Surely it is easier to either pull the ad, revise the price or improve the car?

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I've been watching G series and 964 cabs of late - which have, imo, a massive disconnect between seller's expectation and reality.  I get the sense than there is no point in even starting a negotiation when the difference is so great.

The last one I saw actually sell was due to a price revision from high 70's to mid 40's.

I suppose the bit I don't get is - if you actually DO WANT to sell a car - then why continue to advertise it at a price that is getting no interest for months on end?  Surely it is easier to either pull the ad, revise the price or improve the car?

or worse, after no response for months raise the price!

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