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Porsche Factory Tour and Museum visit

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Evening all, we'll be in Europe next month and I've programmed in a visit to Stuttgart.  We'll be staying in Munich but travelling to Stuttgart to visit the factory (hopefully) and the museum.  No doubt the forum regulars will have done this before, so a couple of questions:

1) how far in advance do you need to book the factory tour

2) Given that we'll be with another couple (non car enthusiasts), realistically what is the minimum time it should take to do the museum tour - I've heard 2 hours mentioned...

I already know that if you take your Porsche Club membership card you get into the museum free and there's a 15% discount on purchases



Peter in Tassie


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Book as early as possible for the factory tour. I booked about 3 weeks out and I know they only had a couple of spot left on the day.

2 hours for the factory tour, about another 2 hours for the museum or about 30 mins for non car people. You might want to add another 10-20 mins for the shop and further 10 for a coffee and cake. There's also a OPC across the road of course which you could spend even more time at.

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its a couple of years since my wife and i did the tour and museum.

contact Porsche Cars Australia it used to be handled by Tempel Steegstra steegstt@porsche.com.au they only do english speaking tours 2 days a week and you need to get on one of those to make the most of it, its excellent and thats 1/2 a day blown...

the museum is fantastic and you will easily spend a 1/2 day there and at the OPC across the road, there is an excellent cafe and restaurant as part of the museum.

Stuttgart itself is a great place with plenty to see, eat and drink so your non car type friends could take the train in to town and easily burn the day wandering around there.

well worth considering staying in Stuttgart o'night and visiting the Merc Museum as well ...

then there is the Nurburgring a couple of hours away...

and Spa ...

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Was there a couple of weeks ago, stayed in Stuttgart and Munich and visited Porsche, MB and BMW.  The Benz museum takes the cake but the BMW factory tour was a highlight.  Unfortunately we missed the P-factory tour but I bet that would be awesome.  Allow a minimum few hours for the MB museum which is more comprehensive than both BMW and Porsche.  Great thing with Porsche: it's straight off the train platform so you can't get lost ;-)




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Hey @TwoHeadsTas, I'll be there next month as well. Middle of Sep to middle of Oct.  When are you there?  I'm staying with family just out of Cologne. My cousin said do the Porsche museum first - it's great, and then the Benz museum, - it's better.

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Hey @TwoHeadsTas, I'll be there next month as well. Middle of Sep to middle of Oct.  When are you there?  I'm staying with family just out of Cologne. My cousin said do the Porsche museum first - it's great, and then the Benz museum, - it's better.

The Benz museum is in a cronological order and has more history, I still enjoyed the Porsche one more though :)

Stuttgart is a great place too!

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No no surfing for me, don;t think they make a board big enough.......

Bugger, just got a response that no spots available on the tours for any of the days we can be in Stuttgart :-(  Very disappointing, but should have got organised a while ago (we only firmed up our dates a couple of days ago - brother in law is swimming the English Channel in 2nd week of September and we had to work out definite dates so we could do some bookings for accommodation etc).  Anyway, have asked to be wait listed for the factory tour, who knows what may turn up...  Otherwise might have to cross to the dark side and do the MB museum as has been suggested..




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Rock up early on the day as there are often no-shows.  We tried booking the BMW factory tour from Oz and they advised it was all booked up but we just rocked up early on the day and we managed to score two tixs.  The factory tours sure are a highlight so if you don't make the Porsche one, go check out the Bmw one in Munich but make sure to book the English-speaking tour (unless your German is wunderbar)!

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Thanks guys.  Better get on to booking the factory tour ASAP.  

Stew we will be in Munich 19-21 Sept




We arrive in Frankfurt on the 17th. Not expecting to be in the south until later in the month/early October.. Have to get all the family parties out of the way first. 

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