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Club Registration Victoria

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Having just purchased an SA car, I’m in the process of changing over the registration / getting RWC etc for Victoria.

Am considering Club Historic Registration. I understand the process of getting a RWC then choosing a club to have ratify your car then submitting to Vic Roads etc, but ..... other than PCV ..... can anyone recommend any other clubs? Nothing against PCV at all but am interested in what the the majority of PFA members have chosen to do here and who with.

I have looked, and there was a thread on a German Car Club getting started to help cater for Club Registrations, but havent seen anything come of this.

Thanks in advance.


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You are doing the right thing by researching this. The Vic Club permit scheme has been a huge success and there are now many clubs to choose from.

I suggest you think about what your additional interests are (not just Porsche) as you will find a club to suit both. For myself I am in an all makes club, nothing against PCV but I enjoy mingling with owners of Vintage and post Vintage classics and the social scene is very relaxed & the wife mostly enjoys their outings. I have a long term restoration TR6 which will be acceptable to this club (so I dont have to be in 2 ). 

I know a few people in a good all makes club on the Mornington Peninsula - so a Region based club might be an option for you too. That club has a deal going with a local mechanic who does RWCs for them so thats a plus. ( I stick with my RWC guy who is old & deaf, this was a stroke of luck as my hot rod is pretty loud - can set off  car burglar alarms). So thats another thing to consider. 

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Looks like I'm the lone PCV member here...

Joined last year when I bought my 911, firstly because I thought it would be a great place to learn more about the marquee from other owners plus would like to get on the track with PCV at some point.

As yet only PCV event I've attended was the recent Haunted Hills hillclimb I went to watch. The next is a PCV spot at Shannon's walk at the Historic's racing this Sunday.

Organising  club permits with PCV has been a very simple and smooth process. They have no issues approving other brands and just returned the paperwork for my Toyota MR2. In fact they aren't bothered by the number of wheels either! I was told they will also process motorbikes as long as it meets the Permit scheme requirements.

In regards to the PCV racing events, they have no issues with me entering the MR2.



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