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Its not a Porsche..

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So he has taken Mazda's *tribute* to the 924/944(surprised that weren't sued over that one), and dropped a dirty big V8 in it, just like a lot of the yanks do to the 944 lol I like him doing that a lot more than those who butcher a 944 but this guy has the best attitude, any way you look at it

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*cough*The fist Gen1 RX7 was made in 1978 that's 5 years before a 944 if anything its close to a 924 being 76(to88) or if you are going to sook about being a copy of a front engine sports car it's a copy of a 61 to 74 e-type Jag that you could say a 944 is a copy of. *cough*


To be honest the kid sh!ts me. His freaking glasses sh!t me. But. The idea is correct. 

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*cough*The fist Gen1 RX7 was made in 1978 that's 5 years before a 944 if anything its close to a 924 being 76(to88) or if you are going to sook about being a copy of a front engine sports car it's a copy of a 61 to 74 e-type Jag that you could say a 944 is a copy of. *cough*


To be honest the kid sh!ts me. His freaking glasses sh!t me. But. The idea is correct. 

FIFY Uncle, and you may want to see your GP about that cough ;)


The first gen of what became the 944 and 968 was the 924 and it first appeared in 1975. Plenty of time for mazda to copy it. So my bad for labeling the series 944 and not being perfectly correct and stating 924. I figured Porsche guys would know what I was meaning and not nit pick. Guess I was wrong. Hardly sooking, as my point was about Mericans tendency to wake big V8s in everything and that I like it more when it is not done to a Porsche (but you knew that already)


The E type looks nothing like a 924/944/968 IMO. The bonnet is 10 feet long.

Sorry Uncle but I was just expressing an opinion, so lets not get personal, if that''s is OK with you ?

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Yeah CP the cough thing was in jest.

It's still an interesting subjet although we will never be able to nail down who made the shape first. The RX7 shape is from the RX3 coupe. The RX3 gets its shape from the RX2 coupe.

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Aarre Kids !

Some of the best engineers/drivers in the world start out like this. I can't afford one but I'm going to build one anyway.

And look how much FUN they have doing it.    :D

Just like our own tinkering, Hey Uncle !


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Having owned an RX4 and then an RX2 (and travelling in several RX3s) you can clearly see the evolution between these vehicles including the RX5, and from the RX7 to RX8 it is clear too, but I could never see any clear evolution between the RX5 and the RX7(apart from motor). The Mitsubishi Evo is another vehicle where you can see an evolution(so name is fitting) from each model.

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