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Sept 19th Mornington Peninsula SMT and Brunch

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Hi all,

I thought it must be just about time for another Sunday Morning Targa, and a chance to meet a few of our new members (sorry Interstaters). After speaking to Frank(964) last weekend at the Pry'N'Probe event, he has kindly offered another of his "back corridor" drives through his backyard, the Mornington Peninsula. After his last SMT down there, it would have to be raining cats and dogs to be any wetter!

It was also suggested that we conclude the drive at a point where other PFA members and friends could join us for a natter, and a chance to check out the other "rides"...

Sunday, September 19th is the latest, and hopefully last suggested date!

So, without any concrete details as yet, who's in for an early morning blast, and/or a brunch and gasbag afterwards?!










(lookin' like the same old suspects... where's the new blood! ;) )

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G'day Kerry

I'm in for a spin, seeing as I'm putting the show together. Am trying to recall our last SMT route... Also need to get a rear wheel bearing replaced before then.

I will make some enquiries regarding a cafe that we can reserve a few seats at for a brunch and the final destination for a meeting point. No rain dancing this time!

Agnes and I went for a spin last week and 3 grey Kangaroos suddenly appeared in front of us, talk about a heart stopper! :o

I thought the PFA club house that we started from last time would be a good start point again (just in case there is a spot of drizzle :lol: )

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Hi all,

I thought it must be just about time for another Sunday Morning Targa, and a chance to meet a few of our new members (sorry Interstaters). After speaking to Frank(964) last weekend at the Pry'N'Probe event, he has kindly offered another of his "back corridor" drives through his backyard, the Mornington Peninsula. After his last SMT down there, it would have to be raining cats and dogs to be any wetter!

It was also suggested that we conclude the drive at a point where other PFA members and friends could join us for a natter, and a chance to check out the other "rides"...

Sunday, September 4th has been suggested as a good date. For those in the PCV, it sits between the Gippsland Mid911 run, and the competition day at Calder the weekend after. (some of us are going to need to get some extra brownie points up our sleeves!).

So, without any concrete details as yet, who's in for an early morning blast, and/or a brunch and gasbag afterwards?!

Hi Kerry,

The 4th may be a Saturday, unless I am looking at the wrong calendar?

Regs, Peter.





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Ah Sheet! :angry::rolleyes:

Didn't we do this last time, was it Mother's Day?!? :D Yes Dave, we should be able to do what we like, however far be it for me to turn my nose up at the only breakfast in bed experience for the year! :P:D

OK, August and September are busy months on the PCV calendar, however I'm wondering if Sept 19th would suit? It is the weekend of the Mid911 weekend run, but I'm not sure whether there would be much of a cross-over between the two events, other than you of course Peter.

Any thought SMT regulars?


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Ah Sheet! :angry::rolleyes:

Didn't we do this last time, was it Mother's Day?!? :D Yes Dave, we should be able to do what we like, however far be it for me to turn my nose up at the only breakfast in bed experience for the year! :P:D

OK, August and September are busy months on the PCV calendar, however I'm wondering if Sept 19th would suit? It is the weekend of the Mid911 weekend run, but I'm not sure whether there would be much of a cross-over between the two events, other than you of course Peter.

Any thought SMT regulars?



No problem with me, yes I will be off on the great north east mid-911 tour that weekend, the last drive for me for a bit(at least three weeks) as the old left arm will go under the knife for a bit of tensioning,(must have been to agressive with the gear stick)have a good run and one day I will get there.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Guys,

I am a starter for Sept 19 as long as I can remember how to get the car started as it hasnt been out of the shed since the run up to Noojee! :blink:

Looking forward to it and hopefully no blow outs this time and I will make sure I have my compressor in the car!! :rolleyes:



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Hello all,

Looks like I'm in. I will get my dad to dust off his boxter as well. Zoomed in on Kerry's 'X Marks the spot' for the PFA clubhouse actually expecting a building of some discription. Somehow I don't think the 'clubhouse' is going to have a bar and leather sofas.

May the sun gods shine on Sunday (or at least the rain gods p@#* off for one day).

Andy S

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Hi All,

There is an 80% chance that I am in. I fly in from interstate on Saturday evening and have to see my level of health.

Anyway, after Andy's comments on What Petrol I now have to burn through 75% of a full tank. ;) (I only recently took the opportunity to make the most of the lower petrol price :angry: )


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Hi All,

Frank had a bit of a fall last weekend and has a broken rib! As a result he won't be throwing any heavy items around corners for a while!

Using some of the routes that we've driven in the past, I will create the map that I'll hand out on the day, culminating with brunch in Flinders around 9/9.30am depending on the rainfall(!). :D

See you all down at the clubhouse at 7am! :blink:;):P:)


BTW - You are SO in Doug!

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For anyone interested in meeting up afterward and having a coffee/bacon & eggs etc with us, we'll be in Flinders, probably a little after 9am, and you'll know where by the soundtrack of crackling and pinging engined Pcars! Or, nearby anyway...

Gentlemen, tomorrow...


PS Hope you're doing OK Frank. ;):)

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