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Cyclists and motorists win win

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As a cyclist, motorcyclist, motorist and speedboat pilot I find it entertaining that cartoons are produced to dispense common sense.  Passing an obstruction via solid or double lines has always been ok in Victoria, key word being obstruction.  Not another motorist doing 9km/h less than oneself.


Don't get me f@#*^ started. :angry:

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Common sense got rebadged as OH&S


btw I mentioned this road change in a group setting today and got attacked by a rabid "it's NEVER the cyclists FAULT!" woman.

Nothing I could say in a calm , logical manner would appease her RAGE. 

I'm scared of cyclists,  because unlike bikies they don't look tough - but may be slightly psychotic .

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OH&S, don't get me started on that, i'm all for it by the way, but yesterday a Russian metallurgist, that we call "the meerkat", theatened to sack me for not having my top button done up on my work shirt, loosen up pal, where's the common sense in that! F$%k me what's the world turning into.

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OH&S, don't get me started on that, i'm all for it by the way, but yesterday a Russian metallurgist, that we call "the meerkat", theatened to sack me for not having my top button done up on my work shirt, loosen up pal, where's the common sense in that! F$%k me what's the world turning into.

But you will void the terms of your company inshoooorance policy , simples  :)

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There is a 30 odd klm section of awesome driving, riding road in my area that is ALL marked with unbroken centre lines. If you don't cross it to pass a cyclist you would have to do their speed for the entire trip.

Common sense....dahhhh.

Cyclists should have a rego plate and be required to carry identification.

The cowboy's are spoiling it for the rest. Which is common across all drivers/riders.

Make it happen... everyone on the road needs to be accountable.

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Cyclists should have a rego plate and be required to carry identification.

The cowboy's are spoiling it for the rest. Which is common across all drivers/riders.

Make it happen... everyone on the road needs to be accountable.

This thread made sense until now, there's always at least 1!
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Rego for cyclists... A splendid idea until you do the maths...


Quite simply, the cost to employ enough bureaucrats to keep it going would be horrific, some say 10x the cost of income received, let alone setting it up to realise its for a problem that is what exactly? a few seconds lost because what is essentially another car owner riding a bike is half in your way and you can't safely/immediately pass them?  


Patience is a virtue. 

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This thread made sense until now, there's always at least 1!

I have heard three accounts now of where a cyclist has done damage to cars and given false details to the owner. If you happen to be the cyclist, not too bad. If you happen to own the car and left with the bill not so nice.

Btw... I don't hate cyclists, I am one at times.

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Rego for cyclists... A splendid idea until you do the maths...


Quite simply, the cost to employ enough bureaucrats to keep it going would be horrific, some say 10x the cost of income received, let alone setting it up to realise its for a problem that is what exactly? a few seconds lost because what is essentially another car owner riding a bike is half in your way and you can't safely/immediately pass them?  


Patience is a virtue.

You presume much sir, I am patient and respectful of other road users no matter what they choose.

I was pointing out that if you obeyed the law not to overtake over unbroken lines you would be very frustrated.

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I have heard three accounts now of where a cyclist has done damage to cars and given false details to the owner. If you happen to be the cyclist, not too bad. If you happen to own the car and left with the bill not so nice.

Btw... I don't hate cyclists, I am one at times.

Everyone has ID, you don't need registration to identify people. 

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Cyclists should have a rego plate and be required to carry identification.


ah that old doozy


you'd be mad not to carry ID say in case of an accident.


Rego for cyclists... A splendid idea until you do the maths...


Quite simply, the cost to employ enough bureaucrats to keep it going would be horrific, some say 10x the cost of income received


You forgot the bit about the cops having to catch you in the act to book you for something and a citizen dobbing someone in will just result in a, "yea we'll look into that" or, "it's your word against his" response from the cops. Rego on cars has proven ineffective at getting people to obey the road rules so why would it work on bikes? Cyclists are just a cross section of society so you will get the odd knob who runs red lights, just as drivers do...and speed, fail to indicate, drive under the influence etc

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Firstone - apologies, I only intend to presume that cyclist rego isn't the answer.


There's a minority of crumbs behind the wheel and behind the handlebars (agree cyclists are often far from innocent) but how far do you go to  penalise the majority for the simple act of riding a push bike.

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I collect bikes, I'm not even sure anybody including myself know how many I have.


I'm embarrassed to tell certain groups of people,  around here they are seen as obtuse, ignorant and self centered. Mainly because they are. Every now and then you will find a solo rider that makes every effort to accommodate the cars, but it's rare.


There is a group here called the Blah blah veterans blah blah bike club. They are some of the worst riders on the road. On most Sundays you will find them standing around in the middle of T junctions bragging to each other about how light their drink bottle holder is. Many of them cant hold a straight line. They ride at 5kph in huge packs on very windy major roads in 80kph and 100kph zones. Then they have the nerve to have a car (somebodies wife) follow them that straddles the double white line preventing anybody passing. They have a rotating orange beacon on the roof of the car and they think they own the road.


When electric cars become common place you will find the road toll on cyclists will go up.


Don't get me started on horse people with horse floats! ARRRRRG


If you have enough time to drive at half the speed limit, you have enough time to pull over and let the 6 cars behind you past.

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Actually I used to find it pretty nauseating on any reasonably busy road ; at odds with the healthy lifestyle I was pursuing. Even relatively modern diesel cars and those with bad cats leave one inhaling rotten egg and sulphurous fumes which can't be all that good for you. I suppose that's one negative of not having a RWC in Tas.


On another note , chatting whilst riding two abreast is not far off texting whilst driving as something that might cause grief. 

And to put the cat amongst the pigeons , electric cars will not be heard approaching in the future; will drivers ring a little bell on the steering wheel  ;)

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Am I a bad man for laughing?




I had to laugh... a bit...


...but I'm not proud


Almost as bad as the time I was out riding with a mate, pulled through an intersection to find someone had strewn thumb tacks across the cycle lane and 4 of them ended up in my rear tyre. Slow leak so I pull over to fix it, my friend was spared. About a kilometre up the road I realise my front tyre also copped a few and was slowly losing pressure so again I pull over, off the road and onto the foot path by a major intersection to repair it as well. 

I was mid-way through the tube swap when for some reason I looked up only to see a half eaten bread roll flying through the air, aimed directly at my head coming from a tradies ute that was driving past. I dodged it reminiscent of George W Bush ducking a flying shoe in Iraq and it hit the fence behind me with a thwack!


My mate and I were in stitches! I mean really! Who throws a bread roll!?!?



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