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hi all,

I'm not here to start debate about if imports are better than australian delivered....

I personally have imported many many cars and bikes from USA , but that was a few years ago.

I'm asking for any advice as to the new rules that come in next year.

Im a little lazy and don't want to read 25 pages of crap, so can someone explain the new rules in a few sentences ? i was thinking of bringing in a car from europe and want to know if its a hassle. 

the cars i bought in from USA were all over 30 years old so it was easy as. Im thinking of buying a good 997 s for myself. 

not that there is none here, but there is many many more to choose from over there and a 997 mk2 could be in my price range


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There's no rule change next year.

It's slated for 2018, but I'm almost certain it ain't happening either due to lobbying from manufacturers and dealers.





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There's no rule change next year.

It's slated for 2018, but I'm almost certain it ain't happening either due to lobbying from manufacturers and dealers.





Those articles are about "parallel import" of new and near-new vehicles. They don't discuss proposed changes to the rules allowing older, used cars (e.g., a 997) to be privately imported.

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It really has gone very quiet on what might happen and I suspect some lobbying may be going on... so all You can rely on at the moment is that it's ok to personally bring in vehicles manufactured before 1989 only. For vehicles which are newer than that it can come in under 2 ways, one is you have to be a registered and approved workshop and the other is as a personal import (which means you have owned and used the car overseas for 12 months).



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It really has gone very quiet on what might happen and I suspect some lobbying may be going on... so all You can rely on at the moment is that it's ok to personally bring in vehicles manufactured before 1989 only. For vehicles which are newer than that it can come in under 2 ways, one is you have to be a registered and approved workshop and the other is as a personal import (which means you have owned and used the car overseas for 12 months).

"one: is you have to be a registered and approved workshop"

What is this rule for? And who is on the registered and approved workshop list? Does anyone have experience with this method?

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What is this rule for? And who is on the registered and approved workshop list? Does anyone have experience with this method?

It doesn't apply to Porsches. The scheme is called the Registered Automotive Workshop Scheme (RAWS). Under this scheme, registered automotive workshops can only import the makes and models they are registered to handle, and at this point in time, no RAW is registered to import Porsches and I don't see that changing any time soon,

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I don't think the RAWS will ever apply to Porsches as they are set up for cars not officially imported.  I think the only Porsches we don't get are the 918, Carrera GT.  It's really a scheme to allow importation of JDM stuff.

I haven't heard anything about the proposed changes.  I'd say they are as dead as this governments chance of reelection.  The usual 'but my job' BS started getting thrown around and the protection by the Australian government against the scourge of lower priced goods continues apace.

At least I may or may not have recently received shipment of goods which may or may not have gone over the gst threshold and may or may not have been landed without a donation to the ever expanding maw of the ATO.

Why this country receives such a useless bunch of idiots as politicians is a mystery for the ages, given the average Aussie you talk to is usually a decent person.  Apart from the lowlife jobsworths who operate speed camera equipment.  I gave one of those my best stink eye when he was going into the 7/11 for donuts  on the weekend.




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I don't think the RAWS will ever apply to Porsches as they are set up for cars not officially imported.  I think the only Porsches we don't get are the 918, Carrera GT.  It's really a scheme to allow importation of JDM stuff.

 To use the RAWS scheme, a vehicle must be on the SEVS register (Specialist and Enthusiasts Vehicles). The regulations are long and you are right about new vehicles, which can only be cars never previously imported to Oz. however, for second hand vehicles, the rules are as follows


 if the road vehicle is not a new vehicle, it must be of a vehicle model for which vehicles were first supplied to the market, in Australia or elsewhere, at least 18 months before the date of the application;


 being a model that has been supplied to the market in full volume in Australia, have a build date at least 1 year later than the build date of the last vehicle of the model supplied to the market in full volume in Australia;

So new has to be unobtainable in Oz, second hand can be a model supplied to Australia so long as it is no longer available!

The issue is that the costs are such that you need to do a decent volume to make it worth while and it is felt that for s/h Porsches, there isn't a big enough market. Many RAWS hot their limits, which, IIRC, is 100+ cars per year.

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  • 4 months later...

My understanding is that if a vehicle was supplied here in full volume by a manufacturer, then you CAN"T import it. There is a list of excluded vehicles on this basis.  I was looking at bringing a 964 in from NZ last year, and it is specifically excluded.

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My understanding is that if a vehicle was supplied here in full volume by a manufacturer, then you CAN"T import it. There is a list of excluded vehicles on this basis.  I was looking at bringing a 964 in from NZ last year, and it is specifically excluded.

still needs to be pre 89 to be imported which excludes 964's, and anything later. No changes to the rules yet

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Any update on this?

For example : will it be possible to import a GT3 from the UK? Anyone done the numbers on this?


only if you live in the UK and drive it around for twelve months, then bring it with you home.

otherwise no.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't believe there have been any changes to personal imports laws. I brought my 997.2 home from the UK last year and had to provide a fair bit of paperwork to prove I had owned AND DRIVEN the car over the 12 months prior to importing.

Hard to do if you don't live there, although my car storage guy in Sussex reckoned he stores a lot of cars for aussies for a year who are intending to import back here. Not sure how they would 'prove' they live, work and use the car in the UK though.

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Don't believe there have been any changes to personal imports laws. I brought my 997.2 home from the UK last year and had to provide a fair bit of paperwork to prove I had owned AND DRIVEN the car over the 12 months prior to importing.

Hard to do if you don't live there, although my car storage guy in Sussex reckoned he stores a lot of cars for aussies for a year who are intending to import back here. Not sure how they would 'prove' they live, work and use the car in the UK though.

data matching will catch you dead cold. 

Though perhaps storage guy kept RHD cars for expats; bought regular fuel there's a receipt, the odd service there another ... a few photoshopped date stamped pics of you enjoying the delahy out on the commons what what... Wonder if you have to keep log book and actually record kms... hmm BiL has immigration practice 

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Considering when I imported our cars we had to provide photos of every page of our passports with the import approval applications, I'd expect they'll just ask immigration for records of entry/exit to prove you've been with the car for at least a year. If it wasn't for that I'd have brought more over !

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Don't believe there have been any changes to personal imports laws. I brought my 997.2 home from the UK last year and had to provide a fair bit of paperwork to prove I had owned AND DRIVEN the car over the 12 months prior to importing.

Hard to do if you don't live there, although my car storage guy in Sussex reckoned he stores a lot of cars for aussies for a year who are intending to import back here. Not sure how they would 'prove' they live, work and use the car in the UK though.

I stored mine for most of a year and only drove it for 3 months.  I gave them a parking permit, insurance and maybe some Dvla stuff.   The mileage on it was higher than the mileage at purchase.    I suspect a lot of people do as I did and buy for a car to tour around with (heh Nurburgring autobahn alps) then put it back in storage and go back to riding the tube.  I don't think they want a full 12 months of fuel dockets.  These are rubber stamping office workers thinking about The Voice we are talking about here, not special prosecutors.   If the dates and passport stamps line up, rubber stamp.  You can't fly over and purchase and then fly back, then fly over to send.  You have to be there the whole time (or know someone who is ;) )

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I may be getting off the topic here...but

Does anyone know the importation, engineering rules on imported kit cars, bought as a kit and then assembled in Australia?

Like the 356, 904 kits or the old Lotus 7/Caterhams.

Or just buying part of the kit, the body, with the donor coming from an Australian vehicle.

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