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I sadly attended a very good mate's funeral on Monday.  

We were both in the army at the same time and then we both helped set up, and start REPCO off in W.A. about 1972-73.

Anyway getting to the chase...my mate used to come out to Wanneroo with me where I raced my Datto in street class there.

As all the photos popped up during the service, low and behold this one appeared, of yours truly and my Datto at scrutineering.   

My mate took the photo and had wanted it included in amongst his life's photos.

I was pretty stoked, that he had done that.   I'd never seen it before..


Now they were the good old days.....

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I wonder where the car is now?  Having owned several 1600s, I hanker for a clean one to build a nice street car.  




I ended up converting it to a two door, and a sports sedan when I came back to Victoria.   A bloke called Gordon DOBIE from Hampton did the conversion.

I ended up selling it to a Tony Bocquet who won a few things in it, he then went on to become a Formula Vee champ in Victoria.

The car was sold by Tony to someone in Victoria.

 I'm still good friends with Tony and every time we have a couple of chilled refreshers we make a pact to find it and get it on the track again.

We have made that pact about a dozen times but never get off our bums to actually go and find it.


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Gordon was Datsun Perfomance Centre in Beach Road, Black Rock wasn't he?

track it down, would be great to resurrect it.

that's him, and mainly a 2000 Fairlady roadster type mechanic.   He only did the two door conversion on the 16 for me back in 1977 would you believe:o  (a lifetime ago)

then he had no more to do with the car.

its got to be sitting in a garage somewhere, obviously doing nothing because either Tony or myself would have come across it.

I bought the car new in 1971, be nice to know where it is.  in reality though, I don't think I want to go down the rebuilding/restoring and the competing track again.    But.....


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I bought the car new in 1971, be nice to know where it is.  in reality though, I don't think I want to go down the rebuilding/restoring and the competing track again.    But.....


Could still become a show n shine come weekend warrior. Better than it not seeing the light of day. 

Know it's VIN? If so, plug it in to the vic roads website and see if it's still registered. 

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I'm still good friends with Tony and every time we have a couple of chilled refreshers we make a pact to find it and get it on the track again.

We have made that pact about a dozen times but never get off our bums to actually go and find it.


Try posting something on OZDAT.  Never know your luck.

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No don't have the VIN anymore, but the car was completely gutted and just had a bucket seat in the cabin, all windows except front and rear were perspex,

I would be very surprised if anyone would have been able to re re-register it.


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