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I know we all sort of hate these things.....but the positives on this one for me ,

are Number plate recognition (get the unregistered/uninsured cars off the road)

Mobile Phone users, seat belts, tailgate detection, intersection jamming and the one I hate the most Red lighters.

No doubt it will be just a matter of time....


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Im actually really impressed with the (supposed) technology.  How long until they will be able to detect unrestrained kids in the back seat ?  Maybe an elbow on the open window ?    

Would love to drive through in a LHD car with the front seat passenger reading the newspaper.....I wonder what the offence would be for that ?

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How exactly does it get unregistered and/or uninsured cars off the road? Like most things of this ilk, designed to milk mostly law abiding people, anyone who is a proper criminal won't get stung.

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there is a camera on the pascovale road in glenroy.;. it has like 14 camera's facing all the angles.. coming, going left to right and at various heights. It's insane.


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I have no problem with the number plate recognition, anyone on the road in an unregistered or false plates deserves to be whacked. (err not actually whacked)

Sleazius I'm assuming you would have the NPR in NSW?   

The units they use here, are sensational, they will ping unregistered, false plates, outstanding warrants for the registered owner, Unlicensed/Disqualified driver for the registered owner.    Great piece of technology.

One of my cars has personalised plates and for whatever reason the NPR they use in the police vehicles does not recognise it on the VIDROADS data base.

We are constantly being pulled up.   So apart from not recognising my particular plate, it does a great job. 

 I sure as hell don't want those a holes in unregistered (if unreg it's uninsured) or disqualified drivers (again uninsured) out there on the roads I drive on.


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Unless there is a cop sitting next to it with real time updates going to said cop, how can it stop unregistered / stolen vehicles? Simple answer is it can't.

I've never been booked in my 21 years of driving for anything, and i don't want these people on the roads either, but really this is just a revenue raiser and does nothing to make our roads safer.

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Unless there is a cop sitting next to it with real time updates going to said cop, how can it stop unregistered / stolen vehicles? Simple answer is it can't.

I've never been booked in my 21 years of driving for anything, and i don't want these people on the roads either, but really this is just a revenue raiser and does nothing to make our roads safer.

Oh sorry mate, I misunderstood, Re the stopping bit. (stopping at the time of the offence)    

Yes your 100% right.   No argument there.


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It was only a matter of time.

As said already, revenue coffers will benefit.

Honest people will pay fines and deadshits won't and courts can't enforce anything.

No big deal though for me. Motorway driving is a very small part of my runs and when I do I presume big brother is all over it already.

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Actually, funny story. I got pulled over Saturday afternoon about 10 meters from my house. I drove past the police about 600 meters down the road. They pulled me over stating that my license had i expired. I was a little puzzled and so were they when i handed it over lol.. Turned out to be my bike license. I did tell them i had ridden a bike in so long and wont be anytime soon.


Shook hands and off i went. Also got a compliment about the car.


So there is systems out there that work. But im still curious about the camera on Pasco Vale Road... it's like something out of NASA lol.

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But im still curious about the camera on Pasco Vale Road... it's like something out of NASA lol.

there is a camera on the pascovale road in glenroy.;. it has like 14 camera's facing all the angles.. coming, going left to right and at various heights. It's insane.


Also picks up low flying aircraft, uninsured helicopters unregistered  drones,flying saucers, submarines, sewer rats and illegal northerners in their tunnels trying to make it to the leafy east

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