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"Seatbelts save lives"

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I've had a few accidents in my time but I've never purposely tried to hit something like a tree or car. The mental processes and those inner voices expressing concern going on in those last  moments would be out. of. control.


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Like the inventor who tested his own jet plane ejector seat.  Crazy hard on the body 

Or the bloke that invented the bullet proof vest. Aimed a magnum at arms length at his chest to prove it worked! Looney

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I've seen the Benz ones before - you can see the guy visibly stiffen for impact.

this sounds like a bit of U.S. Government film given the accent and pacing.  I think they had real trouble getting people to wear seat belts at first, which is why we are stuck with annoying buzzers and flashers in our cars.

i think I remember reading that, back in the 60s, wearing a seatbelt was an admission that you couldn't drive, or if you put one on as a passenger, you didn't trust the driver.

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....... a date with a tarty British backpacker.

Look to be fair, most of us would have done that at some point in our lives, but these people are well in to their time being adults and have willingly done this to their bodies.  Still I guess plenty of us take risks that will harm us down the track, but sometimes to see it up close and personal is confronting and I reckon every now and again this is a good thing to have occur.

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