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Among enthusiasts , 7 is the magic number. Don't expect all 7 to be operational simultaneously. If they are , you have become a collector.


Disclaimer : I only have 6. But the daily choice is still fun!


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Looks more like "keys in the bowl" to me 

If they were the keys in the bowl, I'm tipping the "merchandise" would have been pretty hot to sample and handle .... Young whippersnappers need only scratch your heads .....

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If they were the keys in the bowl, I'm tipping the "merchandise" would have been pretty hot to sample and handle .... Young whippersnappers need only scratch your heads .....

Caitlyn? These days you never know.

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Oh yeah, I like.

Its on the to do list tomorrow - Must use "aspirational squits" during a conversation.


Lots of good stuff to drop in polite conversation..e.g.

E: Oh, well, in that case, sir, I hope you will not object if I also offer the Doctor my most enthusiastic contrafibularities.

J: What?

E: "Contrafribularites", sir. It is a common word down our way.

J: Damn! [writes in the book]

E: Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I'm anaspeptic, phrasmotic, even compunctious to have
caused you such pericombobulation.

J: What? What? WHAT?

G: What are you on about, Blackadder? This is all beginning to sound a bit
like dago talk to me.

E: I'm sorry, sir. I merely wished to congratulate the Doctor on not having
left out a single word. [J sneers] Shall I fetch the tea, Your Highness?

G: Yes, yes -- and get that damned fire up here, will you?

E: Certainly, sir. I shall return -- interphrastically. [exit] [J writes some more]
And later...
E: Leaving already, Doctor? Not staying for your pendigestatory interludicule?

J: No, sir! Show me out!

E: Certainly, sir -- anything I can do to facilitate your velocitous extramuralisation.

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I know nuffin .. BBChris, all I know is there are many a muppet builder in Byron that dont realise that the great garage they built in the Hinterland must have decent access angle. House hunt results for the day ..  GT3 dont fit , TT dont fit Mini dont fit 

Tax withheld on bank transactions today too much , tax withheld on car transactions nil ;)

7 cars yup thats about right.. oh and 3 bikes for when there is traffic.   

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I recently dropped down to 6.

That dropped me under the Shannon's 7 policy, 20% discount threshold so I scrounged around for a trailer, insured that and, bingo, 20% off the lot again.

7 is the magic number.

It must be time to add another car...

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