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[SYD] Outer Blue Mountains Day Run. April T.B.A.

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Attention Sydney Drivers:

Expressions of interest sought for a day drive to the outer Blue Mountains.  Either Saturday, 10th April or Sunday, 11th April.

There are a lot of road closures at the moment, so the route will be somewhat convoluted.  I can promise one or two new roads I haven't shown you before.

Planning for approximately 450kms return to northern suburbs of Sydney.  Lots of winding country roads and, unfortunately, some motorway there and back, but nothing else for it as the Bell's Road is closed indefinitely.  Plus multiple closures on the Jenolan Caves road.

Please let me know if you are interested and which day you would prefer.  I will allow non P-cars, provided the drivers are known to the forum.



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Thank you all...for your responses.

The drive is going ahead on Saturday, 10th (sorry George, hope you can make it.)

I've sent each of you a personal message with details.  Please respond in due course and keep details of the run OUT of the public forum.



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