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Jaguar XJS


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Now I know we are in a classic car valuation bubble and I expect my hairdresser to give me tips on what classic I should buy any day now, but lately I've noticed a lot of press being given to one particular car.

The Jaguar XJS.

it was featured on 'the classic car show' last week, it was also featured in a classic car mag I have on the coffee table and then I get a Shannons club email featuring...what else but the XJS.

Now there is an enthusiast for every car out there - and good luck to them - but somehow for the life of me I can't see the XJS climbing out of the niche of enthusiasts it's always had to a broader classic market and become the successor to the e-type.  I know e-types have shot up in value and a lot of people would be disappointed they're priced out now, but are they really likely to be going for an oversized boat from the British malaise era?

Maybe it's just a personal vendetta from when those TWR jags stole the silverware from Dick or maybe they are just oversized barges I've never liked, but I just can't see anyone walking past a line of other cars of the same class and era - the 928 and 635csi come to mind - to choose an XJS, and for it to start becoming a sought after car.


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I would happily park a sorted XJS in the stable for my much later years. The 928 is a bit harsh for the missus, certainly no luxobarge,  just a bruiser.

I'd be very wary of maintaining the V12 and of course rust is always to be avoided.. I like the styling in some ,  but of course there is a large model range.

When my prostate starts blocking up , that'll be the time to pounce on a Jaaaaag.

If we lived in the country of 2k XJSs,  I'd have one just to thrash. Probably even put a PFA sticker on the window.

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I would happily park a sorted XJS in the stable for my much later years. The 928 is a bit harsh for the missus, certainly no luxobarge,  just a bruiser.

I'd be very wary of maintaining the V12 and of course rust is always to be avoided.. I like the styling in some ,  but of course there is a large model range.

When my prostate starts blocking up , that'll be the time to pounce on a Jaaaaag.

If we lived in the country of 2k XJSs,  I'd have one just to thrash. Probably even put a PFA sticker on the window.

We will have to discount your opinion as having ties to the land of Jags.

one to thrash?  To me that sounds like thrashing an s-class.  Have you seen the size of them?

aren't  most of them v12s?  I know they made a six for a while,but I though the majority were v12.

I remember talking to guy in a car show with an immaculate v12.  He professed to like it, but it had a for sale sign in the window anyway.  That hot mess of Lucas wiring and cramped engine bay had worn a hole In his patience.

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Maybe the 'remanufactured' one that James drives in this video, but his demonstration of what's bad about them rings true


EDIT - okay, the video doesn't match the decription :( but this one does:




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nope, never becoming a sought after classic.

Hence will remain cheap , which isn't a bad thing.for those into the actual driving.

What is a sought after  , affordable GT classic car apart from UNO what?

Reliable , fast , comfortable (and cheap) that is.

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What is a sought after  , affordable GT classic car apart from UNO what?

Reliable , fast , comfortable (and cheap) that is.

I have thought of this often, XJS has been mentioned, Merc SEC is one, but a bit slow, has rust issues and engine plus just slow unless you can get a euro spec one and then not cheap... back to the 928... only thing that constantly comes up for me is a Merc CLK 320 or 430, but probably too "new" for most. I just keep coming back to the 928 :)

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Big auto GT coupes have always been low on the desirability-when-old  category.   Maybe Aston Martins and 4-seat ferraris, but even those suffer in comparison to sportier brethren.

And the bottom of that list is the xjs, which is why I think this big push to get them recognized as a desirable classic is doomed.

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a 'sorted' xjs? Where would one even find such a mythical beast?

see the James May piece.  First you find the nicest one you can find.  Then you take it to the specialists, along with a cheque for 60 thousand bucks.  They replace all the suspension, wiring and half the engine, then fix the paint an interior. Sorted!

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a 'sorted' xjs? Where would one even find such a mythical beast?

I was being mythical. I'd park it next to the sorted AM V8 Oscar India and sorted 928.

No GT classic is ever fully sorted. The only sorted cars classic cars are simple Beetle-like ones. I speak from experience!

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see the James May piece.  First you find the nicest one you can find.  Then you take it to the specialists, along with a cheque for 60 thousand bucks.  They replace all the suspension, wiring and half the engine, then fix the paint an interior. Sorted!

the definition of overcapitalisation haha. Pass!


i don't know taz. I've got an e9 that's mostly sorted. It only took two years... :(

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The enthusiast is only limited by money.

There's very little on this list that would put me off , certainly no worse than a 928 or MB.


Of course if you rely on these specialists I keep reading about , you are subject to the wally tax :D

Classics should be mostly about the experiences , not the investment , life is about packing as many journeys in as you can.

If you spend it all on cars , you'll never get to tour Europe or USA , or...


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A XJS makes a 928 look like a sensible buy.

I think a cooking model XJ6 is a better proposition if you want the old Jaguar experience even allowing for that common corroding head stud issue.  Oh, and body rust too.

I still have a soft spot for a white Series III with pepperpots:


Reasonable cheap too.  You can buy a reasonable car for about the same as some spend on their first service for their 928's!



Yeah, yeah, have been close to buying a XJ12 on two occasions when I was younger and knew even less than now.

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XJS is unlikely to be a future classic, having grown up in a Jag family and worked for the distributor in the late 90's Ive got a fair understanding of the Jag owners and club.

Honestly speaking the circa MY2000 XK8/R will be the future classic. The 4.0 V8 was a gem with no issues at all but the stigma of the quality issues around the XJ40 and X300 models was the reason why they never sold in numbers.

You can get a nice V8 XK or XJ for $30K these days.....or a minter for $50K. That is an aweful lot of car for the money.

If you haven't sampled a supercharged XKR coupe......I dare you. It's an awesome car.




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XKR's are wonderful - never forget the first time I heard one take off down the street at full chat. I even like the new jag breed of XF's and nearly bought one, couldn't believe how well it handled compared with the others in it's class which are all just different shoe sizes. 

As for an Xjs - good luck. 

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Unless it's good old Aussie muscle V8,  then all is forgiven.

The Jensen Interceptor has shot up in value , old auto yank V8 , quite desirable now. 

my father in law has 2 interceptors. One mk 1 under resto that he bought new in the UK. The other is, thanks to the prince of darkness,   a fire damaged mk 3.  not to many one owner jensens getting around.

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